Interrogation part 1

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~With the Team~


All of the Justice league and young justice league that were currently standing in the middle of the street, bid farewell to the commissioner and in their own ways started to make their way to Mt Justice as fast as the could. When the team arrived, they instantly ran to the computer area where Black Canary and Red Tornado were currently situated. The team noticed a tense atmosphere in the room between all of the current occupants. They also observed that everyone in the room was gathered around the table, slightly away from the computers themselves.

"So what's going on? Why are we here?" Asked Wally impatiently.

"We got a message from the Joker giving us a riddle of some kind." Stated Red Tornado.

"If you don't mind, could you please read out the riddle?" Asked Aqualad politely.

"The note says 'here is your first clue, it will lead you to where you need to be. We are in an isle of land, we are neither up, nor down, yet we are not on it either. It's quite warm here. Have fun. Joker :)" read Black Canary.

"We already know that the first bit states they are on an Island of some kind but I can't figure out the rest, or where the island is." Batman stated irritated.

"It's in the pacific, near the equator. So that would be why it's hot." Stated Megan.

"How do you know that?" Asked flash suspiciously.

"When I was flying near that area I heard one of Robin's thoughts. It was a while ago and I forgot about it for a little while." Megan said sheepishly.


"So now all we need to do is locate which one it is. Is that so hard?" Asked Kid Flash feeling relatively excited.

"If only if it were that easy." Superboy stated.

"Superboy is right. There are multiple islands in the pacific and a lot of them are close or on the equator, how will we find which one Robin is on?" Asked Aqualad.

While this occurred Batman was on his phone having a conversation, yet he was talking so quietly that no one around him could even hear him. Only the person on the other end. After he was finished with the call he put his phone away and addressed the group.

"Don't worry, we have someone who will tell us everything. Whether they want to or not." Batman stated before walking towards the doors. This confused everyone who was standing in the room. What was he on about?

"What do you mean?" Asked Aqualad.

"Wonder Woman and Superman caught Harley. She is currently being held in a cell down at the police station until they can move her to Gotham jail." Batman said calmly as he turned to face the group when he had reached the door frame.

"Are we gonna interrogate her?" Asked Artemis wearily.

"Yes." Was Batman's short reply before turning on his heels and heading out the door.

-time skip-

The team followed behind Batman quietly as they entered the Gotham police station. The rest of the Justice league (besides Batman) had decided to go back to fighting crime in their areas, as to not raise suspicion of anything occurring in the group.

When the group entered the police department the commissioner was waiting patiently for their arrival. As he saw the group he walked up to Batman and said:

"She's in the cell down the end of the row. I'll take you down there, but she isn't being the most friendly at the moment."

It was said as a friendly warning, before the commissioner turned and walked towards a door to the right of the medium size office. The small-ish group following behind. As the approached the door they heard laughing from inside and an agitated sigh, accompanied by an angry slamming sound. Everyone stepped back as an irritated Wonder Woman slammed open the cell doors and walked past them muttering things like 'that b*tch of a clown is so infuriating' and other profanities under her breathe before she stormed out of the police departments door.

"Wow, I've never seen her so irritated before." Said Wally, slightly taken aback.

"Neither." Was the reply from the others.

Batman ignored their comments and strode into the room with a stoic expression. The commissioner had left after Wonder Woman walked through the doors, leaving the team awkwardly standing there for a few moments before heading in after Batman.

As they entered they saw Harley Quinn slouched across a plastic chair and handcuffed to a table, with Batman seated across from her. The team stood slightly behind Batman and watched Harley carefully, ready to leap into action at any moment.

"You are going to tell us where you and the Joker are keeping Robin. Now." Batman stated in a cold and emotionless voice, getting right to the point.

Sorry the chapter is really short, hasn't been edited and if Wonder Woman seemed a bit OC. I'm also sorry I haven't updated sooner! I have been really busy lately, last week I had a horse riding competition (pony club comp.) on and didn't have much time to write and then I got given a math assignment (of which I still need to type), I have to write a scientific report on math stuff. Anyway Thank you all for being amazing and I hope you like this chapter. WAIT I ALSO AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY! I can't BELIEVE that this story got 1.21K reads! So once again THANK YOU SO MUCH for being awesome, please tell me what you think and I'll try and update soon.

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