Livian #15

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Chapter 15

"HE DID WHAT!!!" Alice screams and I start laughing. "I know, I know! What a dick right?" I say and she laughs. "I mean you brought that upon yourself, should've never lied," She says and I roll my eyes, at her siding with him. Truthful ass.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how are things with Charles? It's so crazy how he has a place out here." I say, extremely curious about their relationship. "Yeah, I guess he just couldn't stay away for long," she says, laughing. I hear Dominic come into the room.

"Hey Alice, mind if I talk to Livian for a second?" He asks "Yes, she does mind!" I immediately responded before Alice got a chance to. "Actually, I don't mind. I was getting ready to leave anyway. She says, and I give Alice a look. We both get up and give each other a hug, then she gives Dominic a hug and then she leaves.

"Livian, we need to talk," He says and I roll my eyes. "I already know that. What do you want?"

"Can we talk about the kiss?" He says and I look at him. "No" I replied, and then sat on my bed..He walks closer to me. "I know you felt what I felt Livian"

"And what exactly did you feel, Dominic?" I feel myself regaining a certain feeling I've had before, a sense of hope. Could this be? Is he going to confess?

I-I don't know, but I know it was special" His response disappointed me, I can't believe even for a second, I thought he'd say what I hoped he would. Why am I even hoping? Why am I still secretly but all knowingly hanging on?

"Okay Dominic, I have to go, you can let yourself out" I walk out of the room leave the house get in my car, and drive off.

What am I doing here? Things have been going well between Ansel and me, and there I was letting an old nostalgic feeling resurface to the ground. All because of what? I think to myself, as I drive faster.

I need to let off some steam. I park my car on the side of the road by some random clothing shop and pick up my phone. I call Ansel asking to meet up and he agrees, Putting my car back on drive mode, I head to his place. Once there I get out of my car head to his door and ring the doorbell.

He opens it and smiles at me, I only give him a half smile in return. He lets me in. I walk to the nearest couch and sit on it, he follows behind and sits next to me. "So tell me, what brings you here, livian?" Should I tell him the truth? And tell him how I need a distraction from my former ex-crush? No? Didn't think I should either.

"I just wanted to see you, is that a problem?" I say, smiling as I touch his hair. "No, not a problem at all" He looks into my eyes, and I promise you, staring him in the eyes is the most magical thing I could ever experience, the way his eyes sparkle, the way my heart flutters, the way everything I was worried about it suddenly vanishing. 'Livian, what's wrong?" he asks, breaking me of my sudden trance. "Nothing, why do you ask"

"Because you don't ever look at me like that." He says, bringing confusion into my brain. "Look at you like what?" he brings his face closer to mine until our lips are only inches apart. "Like you want me to distract you" My heart jumps out of its chest. How the fuck did he know? "I can distract you if you want, but before I do, I want you to tell me why you want me to distract you."

"No no no, no need for distractions, I'm fine, really," I say because obviously, me being honest has always NOT been in the cards for me, with him. For whatever reason, I can't bring myself to tell him how I feel. It's like if I do I'd have to restart this whole healing journey that I've already taken a pause on.

"Livian, you don't normally call me telling me you're coming over, especially this late. Something is up, why won't you tell me? Do you not Trust me?" He asks his voice sounding so smooth and gentle, you can hear the little change in his voice.

"It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't know how to open up," I responded, truthfully this time. Honestly, telling the truth isn't as hard as it seems. "I understand" He places his hand on my cheek, slowly rubbing it with his thumb. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here. I promise" he says, and then he kisses me on the lips.

His soft lips are so perfect on mine. He deepens the kiss, moving forward, forcing my body to lay on its back against the couch. He hovers on top of me, kissing me and telling me how pretty I am. I can feel his hands sliding down my body, getting closer to my wet center. Before things escalate I stop his hand from going further and bring up back up near my chest. "I don't think I want a distraction anymore, can we just lay here like this for a while?" 

I know I know, I came here for some sort of good time, but he ruined the mood with the questions and the "be here for you when ready" UGGH, Now I don't even want to be super sexual as I feel guilty because I have unresolved issues I'm trying to escape from!

why is he so good to me? We aren't even dating yet feel so at peace. but with Dominic, I used to feel the same, which is how I started to like him. He was just like this in the beginning, except less flirty. 

I'm laying on the couch with another man, thinking of another man, but also thinking of the man I'm laying with. FUCK MY LIFE.

"Of course" He responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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