The diagnosis- "why an I like this"

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Autistic breakdown
Internalized homophobia

Any other tags in later on chapters will be told in the TW section of each chapter but for main warnings these are what they will be!

8 Hours later in Liyue Harbor

Once they arrived they went straight Bubu pharmacy where then the doctor found baizhu, after a long almost 8 hour ride on the back of a grass carrier Ga Ming was just ready for the pain to go away, Dr. Baizhu looked at the poor boy and asked the doctor what was the issue. "Well I'm not trained enough in the medical field I'm more like a nurse instead of a doctor so I didn't know how to help, but he is complain that his hip is hurting him, I bandaged it up but it doesn't seem to help" the doctor responded and Baizhu nodded. Baizhu looks at the boy that was being held by the doctor and then bends down a little to talk to the boy "so youngster we are going to take you to the back room where I can lay you down and take a look at that hip alright?" Ga Ming nods, he thinks to himself 'why is this happening I want this all to be over I'm sorry I've sinned but please forgive me I hate this I'm only 14' he cried out in his head

In the back room

Ga Ming was laid down in the bed on his left side so Baizhu could take a look at his hip, right before this Ga Ming was ask which side was hurting so they knew which side to lay him on, and then Dr.Baizhu started touching around the boys hip trying to get a feel of the hip bone to see what was wrong with the hip. But Baizhu couldn't find the bone were it should have been, but were he did find it was were it should have been when he was a 2 year old, it was not growing right his hip wasn't growing right this meant that his leg was hyper mobile. Dr. Baizhu had seen this before and it never turned out good in the end, all his patients ended up always having to use a wheelchair or a cane or both just to get around, even if they found it young this would never change he would never be able to walk like a normal person again. Baizhu sighed and looked at the doctor bringing him outside leaving the poor boy in the room.

Outside with Baizhu and the Doctor

Baizhu clears his throat and then starts to speak to the worried doctor "So I have a diagnosis, and it's that his hip isn't growing right."
The doctor looked at Baizhu shocked and then spoke up "W-what do you mean? Can this be fixed? What's going to happen to the poor boy?" Baizhu shut him up after a second of all his ridiculous question "The boy can not be 'fixed' or 'cured' this is something that will last forever, he will probably have to start using mobility aids like a cane or a wherlchair depending on how bad it is, the boy will be fine otherwise, with his hip kit growing right though does bring some other problems like his hyper mobility in his joints which will cause him pain but if he ever needs me let him know either you or him can send me letters and I'll be right on my way over." The doctor nods and frowns before speaking up again "I don't think we have the mora nore the environment for either a cane or a wheelchair, but I'll reach out and tell him to reach out to you when he can" the doctor smiles and so does Baizhu.

Back Inside the room

walking back into the room Baizhu heads over to the boy kneeling down to him. Ga ming having his undevoted attention wanting to know desperately what was wrong with him and why he was such a disgrace Baizhu looks at him and the pain in Ga Ming's face made him sad, "So your diagnosis is that your hip isn't growing right which is making your hip hyper mobile and making it basically to were your hip is popping in and out of its socket, and your going to need to start using mobility aids-" ga king looked shocked and then shouted a little "NO!-" baizhu like at him confused and slightly concerned, "Ga ming?" Is the sweetest voice he could, "what's wrong bud? Why can't you?" Ga Ming covered his mouth and shook his head and then let out whines of pain from  just feeling the stabbing pain in his hip he couldn't help but whine. Baizhu sighed and then nodded his head "we will wait then... you look ready to just go home and rest" Baizhu laughs a little and Ga Ming nods his head, so Baizhu explained everything he needed to and then tell Ga Ming to contact him whenever he can, if he needs him, and then Baizhu sends the doctor off to take Ga Ming home.

8 hours later

Ga Ming and the doctor made it to Ga Ming's house and Ga ming got off the grass cart and walked inside while the Doctor left to go home as well. Once ga king got home he was smack by his father, "BOY WHY WERE YOU NOT HOME?!?" His father yelled and he slammed onto the floor terrified, "I-I-" Ga Ming stuttered and his father didn't seem to like that "STOP STUTTERING AND GO MAKE ME FOOD!! THEN MAYBE I CAN TEACH YOU A LESSON ON BEING HOME LATE" Ga Ming fell short of breath before quickly getting up and running and making a meal for his father, knowing what was going to happen after he gave home the food...

30 Minutes Later

Ga Ming quickly finished cooking the meal and headed to give it to his father ,whom was holding his belt in his hands and looking very angry, once he gave his father the food his father got up and towered over Ga Ming soon speaking "now for a lesson" and with those words he was hit with a slap not just one multiple of them still some how not passed out like he normally was he saw his father grab the belt and snap it and it made an extremely loud *SNAP* sound and before he knew it right on his hip and his back and anywhere else he was hit many time still he started bleeding and he was knocked out cold on the floor...

4 months later

Dealing with worse abuse and a worse hip he needed to get out of this house before his birthday
So he made a plan...

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