|Chapter 1|

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                                Isabella pov
"You useless brat!" He yelled before I received another kick in my ribs, that were already badly bruised.

"Why can you do anything right?!l" I again received a kick but to my bruised back.

He left the room and went to the kitchen, when he returned, he had a knife.

"I'm going to show you what brats get for not listening" he said smirking, raising his hand with the knife he-

"Isabella Jones to the principals offic please"

Oh god, what did I do this time

Getting up to go to the principal, people in my class started whispering and staring at me, nosey bitches.

Walking into the office I see the principal, two tall men officer,"yes Mr.walker?"

"Ah Ms.Jones please, take a seat please," Mr. Walker said with a nervous look on his face.

I sit down in one of the seats In front of the principal, the two other men in the room watch my every move.

"I'm not going to sugar coat anything for you, this is your biological father and brother. Your Adoptive father died in an accident, they will be taking you in, I am sorry for your loss Isabella," Mr.walker says with pity.

I look at him with a shocked face, the turn my head to look at my father and brother, that I had no clue existed till now.

They both are very tall, most likely over 6 foot, they both have brown eyes and brown hair.

I Stand up and walk over to them, " Hi, I'm Isabella." I say, have to look up at them.

Their eyes soften looking down at me," I'm your father Antonio, and this is you oldest brother, Alessandro. We are so happy you're coming back home."

Home? I've never had a home, I've only lived in a house, I thought before My brother Alessandro spoke.

"Let's go principessa, we have to get your stuff so we can go home to New York," he said softly.

New York?! That's like a 5 hour flight! And with strangers? Oh God, are they gonna hurt me like he did?

"Let's go sweet, we have a long day ahead of us,"
My father says, reaching his hand out, causing me to slightly flinch, thankfully they didn't notice.

I take his hand and they lead me to their car.
"I don't have anything, we can just go to the airport," I say, of course I have things, I just don't want them see my old house.

They just nod and we get into the car, heading to the airport, which is an hour away from the school, so I close my eyes, hoping the hour will pass quickly.

                                  ~time skip~

Waking up to a car stoping I stretch and look around, noticing I'm in a different car, I start to panic.

"Don't worry angel, we're home you slept through the flight," my father, Antonio says, making me calm down.

I nod, getting out of the car, since their bit already outside of the car, when I see their house, no mansion, my jaw drops.

I nod, getting out of the car, since their bit already outside of the car, when I see their house, no mansion, my jaw drops

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"Woah, your guys house is beautiful," I say "it's your house too principessa" Alessandro says we walk up to the door.

When we enter, my father yells,"Boys get down here, we're home!" Making me flinch.

After that, I hear a lot of noise come towards us.

Oh boy, here we go.

That's the first chapter, what do you think???
I'm sorry it a short chapter, it's almost 4 in the morning.😭



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