Chapter XXII

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ (Sexual Assault/Abuse)


    "Dal Hui, be a good kid and get to work." A kid with a bruised cheek on the ground. His hair was long enough to drape over his shoulders. There were rips at the corners of his mouth, still dripping fresh blood. But the kid had no tears left to cry. "Hey! Are you deaf?! Get to work! Are you asking for a beating?!" the yelling sound of the man's voice became static to his ears.

    The man kept screaming at the kid. The more he hollered the more it felt like shouting at a wall. "You-!" raising his hand, hitting the kid's head. Hui, already weak from before, couldn't resist the impact and fell to the floor. He laid there motionless. He was tired. "Get UP!" a hand grabbed the collar of his shirt. "I told you to get moving, don't make me ask twice."

    Soon, he felt the choking hold around his neck get tighter. He was losing air as the pressure on his neck grew. Tears started to form in his eyes once again. He coughed uncontrollably. "St-stop, ple-ase. I- I'll get- t-to work..."

    "That's better," the hand around his neck loosened up, dropping him back onto the ground. Hui held one on up to his mouth and the other on his neck as he coughed more and more. "I actually changed my mind..." the man in front of him smirked as he looked at Hui, "That crying face of yours is always so beautiful to see. Maybe you should cry a bit more..."

    Horror was in the kid's eyes. He shivered as his eyes glanced up. 'I'll never cry again' he thought 'don't cry again.. Never do that ever again..' was all he could think over and over again. Until he lost his consciousness.


    My grip on the daggers grew tighter. 'Let the past stay in the past' I said to myself. Over and over again. 'Let the past stay in the past' because I don't want to remember. I avoid this small town because I told myself 'let the past stay in the past'... but no matter how fast or how far I run, I can't seem to run away from the past.

    Usually, when a person's hands are trembling, they shouldn't be allowed to hold a knife. To ensure that they don't hurt themselves or someone else. But at this moment, it made me feel just a bit more secure.

    "Hey! Look, that lady is standing up!" a guy pointed and laughed.

    I've killed humans before. This is nothing. I've seen blood splatter on the walls. I've seen organs fly out. I've seen many intestines falling out of a human body. I've seen and done many things. This will be nothing... right?

    I looked over my shoulder, staring at the group. Maybe it was the lifeless eyes I had staring into their souls, but something made them quiver in fear. Fear of being backed into a corner after taunting the beast of the cave.

    "Ah! Isn't that a coincidence? Haha!" The leader of the animals walked closer as he spoke, "Isn't this the boy I was just talking about? That play thing? Haha!"

    "Oh? Ha! It's a guy?" another member chimed in laughing.

    "Why don't you go back to being that obedient toy from before huh," the man put his hand on my shoulder. Just for a moment, a moment where my body shivered. But I soon composed myself. "Why don't you kneel dow-" before he could finish his sentence the hand placed on my shoulder fell into two. My blade was awakening blood shed to happen.

    "AHHHH!" a cry of pain as he held his severed hand. "YOU!-" he was looking at me. My eyes. He looked horrified. I could feel the disgusting liquid on my face. But what was my expression at the moment? I couldn't tell. But it struck fear in the prey's eyes.

    "Keep talking. Didn't you want to say something to me?" I didn't know what came to me but I had no control of my actions anymore. My body didn't listen to me anymore. "Haha... What? Is it so weird for me to laugh?"

    "Uh, boss.."

    "Who should I start from, hmm?" my eyes widened as I smiled at them, pointing my blade at them one after another, "Then should I start off with you?"


Sorry for short chapter I will post again this week around 04/25 - 04/26 ◕ ◡ ◕

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