Bunny Business (wangxian)

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As Wei Wuxian began to wake and allow his eyes to open, he was instantly hit with a hazy view. While his vision started to focus, he felt something was a bit off as his body began to ache. Wanting to massage away the feeling, he tried moving his arms, only to realize how short they've become. Now curious, he looked over his body, only to be left in complete shock and horror.

He was small, round, soft with black fur, and closer to the ground. Panicking, he tried running, only to be yet again surprised that he was instead hopping.

What the hell? Did I become a bunny?

This made absolutely no sense to Wei Wuxian. How could he just become a bunny? And why? Trying to think back to yesterday only ended in a headache.

It was only until he started roaming around and trying to remember that he realized he was at least still in the Cloud Recesses.

Where's Lan Zhan? I wonder if he knows what happened to me. Hell, I wonder if he'll understand me in this form.

"Father will be back soon. For now, let's split up the food."

Intrigued by who was talking, Wei Wuxian followed the sound of the voice. He took a few breaks to get used to his head jumping up and down, but finally reached a path fully of shrubbery.

Did I imagine that someone was talking?

"Let's try finding more food this way!"

The voice rang from just behind a wall that separated the path. Wei Wuxian, still curious, examined the wall to see if there was any way around it. However, before figuring it out, multiple hops were starting to approach where Wei Wuxian was. Instead of continuing to follow the noise, he waited for the noise to reach him.

It took a few seconds before he was face to face with five white fluffy bunnies, all heads tilted and staring at Wei Wuxian, starting to scan him, then scan the surrounding shrubbery.

"Hey newbie, you found all the good food!"

Without a second thought, all five bunnies hopped around Wei Wuxian after determining he didn't look like a threat.

Uh, did I hear that right? They can talk?

Wei Wuxian was in disbelief. He'd been following the voice of a bunny.

"Hey are you lost? If you are, you can stay with us! We have the best human father. He comes by from time to time with what he calls carrots, which are huge orange delicious food. He also gives pets and scratches! It's really the best!" One bunny excitedly rambles, recalling the fond memories of their 'father'.

"I-" Wei Wuxian paused as he started to hear rustling and footsteps approaching. He glanced at the bunnies and saw them hopping in place, seemingly excited about what was making its way in their direction. Being unfamiliar with this whole bunny thing, he was nervous that a threat was coming, so he hid behind the other bunnies.

A shadow was cast over them as a figure dressed in white robes, holding a handful of carrots walked over.

"Father! Father! Father's back with carrots!"

The bunnies started moving towards the human, patiently waiting for their turn to receive a carrot. As they formed a crowd around the white-robed figure, Wei Wuxian was left as an outlier, sticking out like a sore thumb. Instead of moving closer to the crowd, Wei Wuxian was starting to turn around to hop away until he felt like he was rising in the air, going higher and higher. His body was shifted around, and he was now getting a closer look at the human.

Pale skin, a non-expressive face, light brown eyes, a ribbon tied along his forehead. It was a face Wei Wuxian had grown extremely fond of and the human he wanted to look for. Lan Wangji had a hint of confusion twinkling in his eye as he held bunny Wei Wuxian close enough to examine.

If I talk, would he understand me? Well, I guess there's one way to see.

"Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji lifted a brow in confusion with what he thought was Wei Wuxian's voice coming out of this small black bunny.

"Lan Zhan! I turned into a bunny and I don't know why or how to turn back!"

Lan Wangji slowly blinked, then put bunny Wei Wuxian down.

"Wait Lan Zhan, can you understand me? Pick me back up!" Wei Wuxian began to hop his way towards Lan Wangji.

"Please Lan Zhan! I woke up like this and don't remember anything that happened yesterday. I need you're help!"

Lan Wangji picked up Wei Wuxian again and began looking deep into his eyes. Without a word spoken, Lan Wangji, with bunny Wei Wuxian in hand, began descending down the path. It didn't take long for them to make it to the Jingshi.

"So Lan Zhan, can you help me?" Wei Wuxian asked as soon as they were inside the Jinshi.

Lan Wangji placed him lightly on the bed and quickly walked over to a book laid on the table. Bringing it back over as he sat next to Wei Wuxian. He started scanning the pages before stopping and placing the book faceup for Wei Wuxian to see.

The page title read "Disguises and Form Shifting: party game".

Slowly, memories began flooding Wei Wuxian's mind. It was getting late and Wei Wuxian sat alone, cooped up inside the Jinshi. Bored as ever. The great idea of going out to get some Emperor's Smile overtook him and thus, he was heading towards the city. After managing to get his precious liquor, he made his way back, but stopped as he ran into an old friend, Nie Huaisang. They spent time talking before needing to head their separate ways. Nie Huaisang ended up gifting a book to Wei Wuxian, to hopefully end his boredom while waiting for Lan Wangji's return. Eager to pass the time, Wei Wuxian headed straight to the Jingshi to drink and look over the book. It was all full of party games and pranks. With liquor in his system, Wei Wuxian thought I'd be funny to prank Lan Wangji and picked a random page to do. However, after a few attempts of reciting the phrase, he gave up and continued his binge drinking. Little did he know, the spell was working but he assumed the liquor that night was just stronger than before. With his head beginning to spin, he walked out for some fresh air, but ended up passing out.

Reading over the spell, Wei Wuxian let out some giggles, glancing over at Lan Wangji to get his reaction to end the spell.

"So Lan Zhan, it seems only you can break this spell. Can you lift me up closer to your face?"

Lan Wangji swiftly scooped bunny Wei Wuxian, bringing him closer, inch by inch to his face. Closing his eyes, he quickly placed a peck on bunny Wei Wuxian's nose.

"Lan Zhan, you missed my mouth."

Lan Wangji opened his eyes and sighed before closing the gap once again and placed a peck on the little lips of bunny Wei Wuxian.

"I don't feel any different. Place me on the bed."

As soon as Lan Wangji put Wei Wuxian down, Wei Wuxian began twitching.

"Wei Ying!" A panicked Lan Wangji voiced. He got up from the bed, ready to head out of Jingshi to get medical assistance. Yet when he looked back over at the bed, the room seemed bigger. He looked up to see the black bunny staring down from atop the bed.

"Lan Zhan? I think we read the wrong part. It says to transfer the spell to another is by kissing. If you wish to get rid of the spell, you must say the phrase of the spell backwards."

Lan Wangji felt the world become fuzzy before passing out.

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