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Lets continue ........

Mr & Mrs singh went to their room coz they can't said anything infront of her they know that their son will handle her coz she love veer so much to said anything bad to him veer look behind when he listen sniffle sound he look back and see his wife was crying silently looking down that's he hate it he hate tears in her eyes he went toward her and hug her immidietly

Veer - shhh baby it's ok hmm stop crying ( softly )

Aisha hug him and cry more

Aisha - plzzz don't leave me ( whisper )

Veer - I will not love ( kiss her head )

Grandma seen the seen in front of her but didn't said anything and left from there to her room which mrs singh told maids to clean when she come to know that she is coming

Veer - love plzz stop crying its not good for your health ( softly )

But Aisha continuously crying hugging veer tightly after sometime veer feel her waight on him completely he shake her but she stay still he look at her and see she passed out in his arms he pick her on his arm in bridal style and went toward their room he lay her on bed and started to call her

Veer - Aisha wake up ( shake her softly )

Veer - plzz wake up don't do this to me ( tapped her cheeks )

Veer - mom dad ( shout )

Mr and Mrs singh come there immidietly after listening  veer shout

Mrs singh - what happens to her ( worried )

Veer - mom plzz called docter look na she is not waking up ( teary eyes )

Mrs singh - call dr fast ( to her husband )

Mr Singh call dr after sometime dr come there and check Aisha

Dr - her condition is not good and also she is pregrant u have to take care of her very well or else u loose both of them coz of taking stress or not eating on time she become weak ( serious )

Mr Singh - thank you dr and we will take care of her ( serious )

Veer look at aisha then went to outside he call someone after talking to that person he come back and sit beside his wife and started to crease her hair and kiss her forehead

Veer - I love you ( softly )

Mr & Mrs singh & grandma look at the scene and went to their room

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