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• Aurora •

The Moon. I love watching the Moon, trying to find peace. The peace I am finding for 4 years. The peace I have lost 4 years ago. I am in a cafe currently waiting for someone, whom I might not want to meet in my remaining life but I have to. I don't have any choice. There are nit many people in here, but it is my favourite cafe, i come here often. I look outside the window where I am currently sitting, patiently waiting for him. I know i am here early, and as i know he will be here on exact time he says. Like he have always when we dated.

I wait for sometime, i hear footsteps coming towards me. It's him. I know. A man stands in front of me. Thick black hair. Olive skin. A slightly crooked nose that enhanced rather than detracted from his ruggedly masculine charm.

"I would introduce myself by my net worth," he said. "But it would be impolite"
"Vincent Moretti. It's a pleasure to meet you."
There was the mockery again, subtle but cutting. He is saying this like we don't know each other already.

"I wish i could say the same." I say as he sits on the chair infront of me. Looking handsome as usual.

We- No. You hate him Aurora. My inner says.
Shut up. I say in mind.
Nice. Improvement yor aren't at least agreeing to me that you hate him. Good. We don't hate him then. My stupid inner voice says.

"Oh but wait, I did forget to say my profession." I hear him say. He cocked an eyebrow. "I'm a bastard." He says mocking me for something only we know.

My smile didn't reach my eyes as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And what is it that you do for a living?" He asks. So he is gonna do this now. Fine then let's get into this.

"I ruin bastards." I say smirking.

He grins, a flash of perfect, white teeth, widened in cruel glee. "How entertaining that you think you can ruin me."

"I am not interested in ruining you actually." I say.

"Oh really? Because by all accounts, I'm the one who ruins everything," he drawled out, and something glinted in his black eyes. "And yet you approached me anyway"

"I didn't, you approached me here first." I said innocently, knowing the fact that i were the one who called him here.

"Oh? I guess my memory fails me then." His gaze narrowed as his thumb ran across his chin pensively. "What was the reason then that you made the brave decision to come talk to me?" He says looking at me.

"Of course i wanted to talk to you about something." I said.

His eyes ran over your form. "and what would that something be?"

"You said you ruin everything, right." I say coldly look straight in his eyes.

"I did" he replied with his usual cold arrogance. "And?"

"I want you to ruin someone."

The words caught him completely by surprise. He paused for a moment before a satisfied smirk curled his lips. "Oh? And who might this someone be?"

"My father." I say coldly without breaking the eye contact.

The cruel twinkle in his eyes was back. "I see. So you want me to ruin your father. Why?"

"That is none of your business." I say coldly.

"Well actually," he smirked again, leaning to the table. "If you want me to ruin your father, it very much is. I will need a reason other than 'just because' to ruin the man."

"You know 'that man' is trying to intrude in your business for five years now. Does this give you the reason to ruin him?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"A very good reason I must say..." he replied, his fingers idly trailing over his chin.

Not the time aurora.

"Trying to intrude in my business is not a good sign. I am now curious to know just what he wants." He says thoughtfully looking at me.

"Your wealth" I say looking straight in his eyes.

The cruel glitter came back into his eyes. "Of course he would want that. Well then..." he stands up and stepped closer to me til he was within my personal space, leaning towards me putting hands on the table and beside. "So you want me to ruin him?" He asks and i feel his breath hitting my neck.

"Yes" I manage to say.

A savage grin spread across his lips. "Perfect. It has been a long time since I've had the pleasure of ruining someone's life." He lifted an eyebrow. "And your father has been irritating me...I'll have to take care of him."

"Of course" I stand up from chair and take a few step back from him.

He simply smirked at my attempt to step away. This man. He knows he has an effect on me. "Now, now, I haven't agreed to ruin him yet. I'll ruin him for you on one condition..."

"What condition?" I raise my eyes.

His grin turned sadistic. He leaned closer until he was barely inches away from my face. "I want something in return..."

"And what is that?" I look into his eyes.

His gaze dropped to my lips. Then he slowly look in my eyes and said the last thing i was expecting him to say.

"I want you."


SO!!! Let me know how was this! It's the first part. Don't expect to be a genius i wrote what i got!🥲 please vote share and comment.🥺🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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