Part 43 - 6 Years Later ~Jeonghao & Seokhui~ (3)

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Yue & Yuhao's POV
Yue: Eomma, is this you and appa?

Yue & Yuhao's POVYue: Eomma, is this you and appa?

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Jeonghan cutely smiling: Ne. That's our wedding photo
Yuhao: Wahhhh! You look handsome eomma!
Jeonghan giggling: Hehe, thank you
Minghao smiling: Hi my babies~
Yue & Yuhao cutely smiling: Appa!
Minghao smiling: Hi Jeonghannie~
Jeonghan cutely smiling: Hi Haohao~
Minghao: Do you guys want to watch my duet with Jun later?
Yue & Yuhao: We want to see it, appa!
Minghao: What about you, honey?
Jeonghan: I'll come too
Minghao: Alright then, let's go

Chunhua & Zhiyu's POV
Chunhua: Appa, Is this eomma and you in the backstage of Seventeen's concert?

Chunhua & Zhiyu's POVChunhua: Appa, Is this eomma and you in the backstage of Seventeen's concert?

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Seokmin smiling: Yes that's us. If I could remember, your eomma wants to be with me in our selca
Zhiyu: Eomma looks cute!!!
Jun: I see, you guys like looking at our old photos?
Seokmin: Oh jeez- Oh, it's just you jagiya
Chunhua & Zhiyu cutely pouting: Jeez eomma, you didn't had to fucking scare us!
Seokhui: Language Chunhua, language Zhiyu. You two are to young to curse
Chunhua & Zhiyu: Sorry eomma & appa!
Jun: Anways, I would like to ask if you 3 want to watch me and Minghao do our duet
Seokmin smiling: We would love to come, jagiya
Chunhua & Zhiyu cutely smiling: We would also love to watch eomma and Uncle Minghao do their Chinese duet!
Jun: Alright then, let's go

Third POV
As both couples entered the place where Minghao & Jun will dance their duet, their kids were excited to see their appa and uncle dance.

After dancing their duet

Chunhua & Zhiyu: Wahhh! That was cool, eomma and Unlce Minghao!
Yuhao: That was soooo cool, appa and Uncle Jun!!
Seokmin blushing: Damn, I'm whipped
Jeonghan mumbling: I'm speechless... He touched Jun's hand...
Minghao & Jun: Thanks guys!
Yue: For a second, we thought eomma would be jealous since there was a part that both of you had to touch each other's hand haha
Minghao smirking: Your eomma might be a bit jelly-welly right now
Jeonghan blushing in embarrassment: A- Am not!
Seokhui smirking: By the look at your face, you look like you're lying hyung
Jeonghan blushing in embarrassment: W- Whatever...

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