Chapter - 24

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* Authors Pov *

Y/N pulled into the driveway of her mother's new home, her sleek black car gleaming under the streetlights. It had been a long day at the office, dealing with clients and managing a team of employees. She usually enjoyed the challenges of her work, but the thought of coming back to this place drained all her energy.

Her phone buzzed with a message from her father: *Good luck tonight. Remember, you don't have to be anyone but yourself. Love you.* She sighed, clutching the phone tightly in her hand. Her father always knew how to make her feel grounded, even when everything else felt out of control.

As she entered the house, the hum of chatter and laughter greeted her from the dining room. The table was set for a family dinner, but it felt like an event she was obligated to attend. The air smelled of roasted chicken and herbs, but it didn't bring comfort—it felt like another layer of falseness.

Her mother appeared in the hallway, smiling brightly. "Y/N! I'm so glad you made it. I know you've been busy with work, but it's great to have you here."

Y/N managed a tight smile. "Yeah, couldn't miss dinner, right?" she replied, her tone hinting at sarcasm.

Mr. Kim, her soon-to-be stepfather, joined them. He was a successful businessman, running his own company, and he always seemed to be networking, even at family gatherings. "Y/N! It's great to see you. How's work? I heard you've been closing some big deals."

"It's fine," Y/N said curtly. She didn't feel like discussing business with him. It felt like he was trying to find common ground, but she wasn't in the mood for small talk.

The BTS boys, Mr. Kim's sons, were scattered around the dining room, chatting and joking with each other. They knew her from school, but none of them had ever shown much interest in her business ventures. They were more interested in music and entertainment, worlds away from her corporate life.

Jin, the eldest, smiled at her. "Hey, Y/N, how's the business world treating you? Making a lot of money, I bet," he teased.

"It's going," she replied, not wanting to engage in banter. She could hold her own in a boardroom, but this was a different kind of battlefield—one where she felt out of place.

J-Hope chimed in, "You should give us some investment tips. We're always looking for ways to grow our money." He laughed, but Y/N could sense a hint of genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, sure," she said, trying to sound indifferent. "Maybe some other time."

Her mother clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, let's sit down for dinner. I want us all to get to know each other better."

Y/N took her seat at the table, feeling the weight of expectations. Her mother was trying so hard to create a happy family, but Y/N wasn't ready to play along. It wasn't just about her mother's new relationship—it was about all the years they hadn't been a family, all the moments her mother had missed.

Throughout dinner, Mr. Kim kept asking her questions about her business, but Y/N's responses were brief. She wasn't in the mood to share details or talk about her achievements. She just wanted to get through the evening and retreat to her room.

As dessert was served, her mother leaned in, whispering, "Thank you for coming tonight. I know it's not easy, but it means a lot to me."

Y/N nodded, her expression unreadable. "I'm here because Dad asked me to be," she said quietly. "Don't expect anything more."

Her mother looked hurt but didn't say anything. The dinner continued with awkward silences and forced laughter. Y/N knew this wasn't going to be a family, not in the way her mother hoped. She was here out of obligation, not out of love or acceptance.

When dinner was finally over, Y/N stood up. "I have some work to catch up on," she said, using her business as an excuse to leave early. It wasn't entirely a lie—she had emails to answer and reports to review—but the real reason was that she couldn't stand being in the same room with people pretending everything was okay.

"Of course," Mr. Kim said, trying to hide his disappointment. "We understand. Thanks for joining us."

Y/N nodded and headed to her car, the tension in her shoulders slowly easing as she stepped outside. It was clear to her that no matter how much her mother tried to create a new family, it would never feel like home. She had her own life, her own business, and that was where she felt in control. This—whatever it was—was just another challenge she had to navigate.


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