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As the last bell rang all the students started packing their bags except Nobita and then a boy named Kai Started making fun of Nobita

Kai- let's walk home together. Oh sorry I forgot you cannot go to Home right now Sleepyhead or should I say sleeping beauty

Just then Suneo and Gian came together

Suneo- Don't you have something better to do Kai? or are you obsessed with nobita?

Gian- and next time you try to mock nobita remember that I am his friend

Kai taken aback by the sudden defence walks away angrily

Nobita- Thanks guys

Gian- No need to thank

Suneo- Nobita you can still copy my homework if you want there's no trouble really

Nobita- Thanks suneo but I really don't want you to get in trouble, I will manage

Suneo- If you say so, Bye

"Take care, Bye" Gian said while patting nobita's shoulder

As they leave the classroom their are only three people left in the class Nobita, Dekisugi and Shizuka

Shizuka walks towards the mop (as it was her day to do the cleaning)

Dekisugi- Are you not going home Shizuka

Shizuka- No, it's my turn to do the cleaning

Dekisugi- Oh! I can do the cleaning for you if you want

Shizuka- Why, you don't need to

Dekisugi- You know I am free today so I can do that and don't you have violin classes today you will be late

Shizuka- But...

Dekisugi- Don't worry you can repay me with cookies🍪

"Such a flirt" Nobita thought in his mind

The teacher comes in the classroom

Teacher- Dekisugi, Shizuka, why are you still here

Dekisugi- Actually sir today is my turn to clean the classroom and Shizuka forgot a book so she came back to take the book

Shizuka- Yes sir

Teacher- Okay

Shizuka- Bye Dekisugi Bye Nobita

"Bye Shizuka" both Nobita and dekisugi said at the same time

Shizuka leaves

Teacher- Nobita do your homework fast

(After a while)

The class was silent but soon the silence was broken as Mr. Honekawa phone rang

He answered the call. It was of the principal

Principal- Mr. Honekawa, could you come to my office for a moment?

Mr. Honekawa- Of course, I'll be right there

Mr. Honekawa hangs up the phone and turns to Nobita and Dekisugi.

Mr. Honekawa- Nobita, Dekisugi, I need to step out for a bit. Nobita, I expect your homework to be done when I return. Dekisugi, please keep an eye on him

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