◈Spreading My Frozen Wings◈

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It was a dreary morning as Hongjoong and his crew drifted toward Torch Key's docks, the sun unable to shine through the dark grey clouds. Hongjoong hoped it wasn't a bad omen. However, there had been no sign of a naval ship following them out of Aithelon, and there was no sign of a single guard stationed at the docks, so Hongjoong focused on those positives. He didn't plan for them to linger long in Torch Key anyway.

Once the anchor had been lowered, the crew descended onto the dock and walked off in different directions to complete the tasks assigned to them while Hongjoong made his way toward Bembe's cottage. She was already outside, gathering ingredients from her garden as he approached.

"Hard at work this morning, I see," Hongjoong said as he leaned against the side of the cottage.

Bembe smiled up at him. "You never truly know how a day is going to unfold, so I find it best to be well prepared. My workload seems to double whenever you gents anchor down in Torch Key's harbors."

"And here I thought your day brightened every time Mingi was in town. He'll be devastated to learn that's not the case."

"Oh, hush," Bembe gasped as she smacked Hongjoong's shoulder, carrying her basket of herbs up the porch and into her home. Hongjoong followed after her. "Now tell me. Which one of you is in need of patching up?"

"You make it sound as though one of us being wounded is a regular occurrence."

After setting the basket of herbs on the table, Bembe grabbed two ceramic mugs from her cupboard before retrieving the bronze kettle from where it hung above the fire. A warm, spicy aroma filled the cottage as Bembe poured the coffee before handing one of the mugs to Hongjoong.

"You mean to tell me this is a social visit?"

"Not entirely, though the coffee is deeply appreciated." Hongjoong brought the mug to his lips, the warm liquid tingling the back of his throat as he sipped. "We need a salve for an injury San obtained last night."

"Based on your calm demeanor, the injury is not life-threatening."

Hongjoong recounted the events of the previous night as Bembe got to work on the salve. There was a look of disappointment in her eyes when she met Hongjoong's gaze once he finished speaking.

"A defenseless woman wasn't the intended target I had in mind when I gave you those flower petals."

"I found no joy in using them, believe me. But she recovered rather quickly from the effects. Quick enough to possibly scar the left side of San's face."

"My sympathy lies more with her than San at the moment."

"San would agree with you." Hongjoong's mind wandered to Ari's injuries. The cut on her cheek was small but could benefit from the salve Bembe was already making. Her bruised neck, however, is what worried him. "What of attempted strangulation? Do you have a remedy for that?"

"I would be more efficient if I was able to treat her personally, but I sense that's not an option at the moment. Your recount will have to do. Describe the extent of her injuries for me."

"The bruises are rather severe, though it didn't appear that she had trouble speaking."

"She could have been masking the pain, afraid of what you would do if she showed any sign of weakness."

"That's possible, but San witnessed her eating with ease."

Bembe nodded as she placed the first salve in front of Hongjoong before starting on the new remedy.

"If that's the case, anything being cracked or broken does seem unlikely. I'll make a tonic as well as a salve, just to be safe."

Hongjoong finished off his coffee while Bembe worked, both of them enjoying each other's company in silence. Once she was done, Bembe gathered everything into a small knapsack and handed it to Hongjoong.

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