72~ First conversation

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Tarakshya's POV

I noticed her frozen state beside me, and I knew the impact my words had left on her. It was clear that she was deeply affected by the revelation, and a part of me wanted that.

I wanted to make her understand who I am, what I should mean to her. She had forgotten about me, as if I had never existed, as if I had never been a part of her life. The anger and frustration simmered within me just thinking about those 34 years of my life.

The rage boiled within me, a primal urge to tear everything apart and assert my dominance over her.

Still the thought of hurting her, of breaking her fragile innocence, filled me with a profound sense of dread and remorse. I knew that if I crossed that line, if I allowed my rage to consume me and inflicted harm upon her, I would never be able to mend the damage.

"Is Tarakshya Rajdhan talking about innocence? A man who never thought of killing an innocent out of innocents, even children, is he talking about saving someone's innocence?

"Yes, you are. You changed, Takshya, you changed," my inner voice mocked me, and I gulped. "No, I didn't change," I retorted internally, " I just changed my morals for the only girl in my life."

The love of my life, my Anu, she is sitting beside me, numb with my words. I can smell the strong male scent of musky oil oozing out of her body, yet the cereal and soft odor of lavender still cut through it.

I avoided looking at her, even though I knew she looked incredibly attractive in that black shirt which complemented her fair skin, and her long, wild curls danced freely in the wind.

I fucking hated to look her in his clothes, how desperately I wished her to smell like as me, see her wearing my shirt and fuck her in the all positions until she faints with exhaustions and bleeds with the lava of my suppressed emotions.

I felt tied.

Why do I feel so powerless even though I'm right beside her, feeling her presence? Once again, my inner voice taunted me, "Because you can't have her, Tarakshya Rajdhan. You're just a loser in everything."

"You lost before you even began because she already has someone in her heart, someone her children call father." My inner voice again mocked, making me fist my palm.

"Did you ever consider your half-sister's feelings before labeling me a homewrecker?"

Her question brought me back to reality, and I glanced at her, seeing her innocent eyes gazing deeply into mine, causing my body to heat up uncontrollably.

She's like a goddess, a pure angel. How did she end up caught between me and that jerk? She doesn't deserve either of us.

I know I never deserved her, but neither does he. I'm fully aware of who Ardhansh Singhaniya really is. I may be a sinner, but he's certainly no saint. I felt an urge to push her far away from demons like us, to a place where angel as pure as her reside.

"No... but I feel sorry for her," I lied effortlessly, feeling no remorse. The truth is, I only care about her, nobody else. But anger forced me to reveal my shitty relation with Yashika Trivedi.

I just wanted to have a meaningful conversation with her, so I took this route to keep her engaged. I know I'm Bastard, but I can be more than just Bastard anyone ever imagined.

Yes, Yashika Trivedi and I share a half-blood relation, and our mother is the common link between us. But that doesn't mean I'm obligated to take care of her.

Her father, Aashish Trivedi, was perfectly capable and had been taking care of her all these years. If her husband cheated on her, that's not my fault.

What infuriates me is that my baby was involved in this mess with that fucker. Why would she love a married man?

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