Part 12

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"I'm home!" you call into the apartment as you take off your shoes. You've just come home from class and a shift at the diner after Ash and Cody crashed your lunch with friends.

Ash, in black cat form, runs up to you and jumps into your arms. You laugh as he purrs happily and rubs his face against your hands. When he's all cute like this, it's easy to forget that he spends most of his time as a man in his early twenties who's sexy enough to be a model.

"Is Cody home yet?"

Ash the cat shakes his head. You carry him to the kitchen and set him on the counter as you dig through the fridge, trying to get dinner started. He jumps down and heads into the bedroom, returning ten seconds later dressed in only a pair of boxer shorts. He looks absolutely delicious. You look away quickly and try to clear your head of dirty thoughts.

"I already made dinner, it's on the stove," he notes. "You like rice bowls, right?"

"Love them. Thank you." You smile at him and grab bowls and cups from the cupboards. It's so nice coming home and not having to cook as well. Definitely one of the perks of living with roommates.

"You're grateful, huh? Then give me something in return."

He advances on you. You retreat until your back bumps against the kitchen counter. You drop the dishes onto the counter and they land with a clatter, making you jump. He smirks, a predatory gleam entering his eyes at your skittish reaction.

"Um... I did say thanks."

Ash stops right in front of you, pressing the length of his body against yours. His face is so close that you can feel his breath on your lips and you can barely think, your heart's beating so fast.

"I want you to show me just how grateful you are... with a kiss."

Heat suffuses your body as he leans in and captures your lips. You gasp into the kiss, and he grips the nape of your neck, holding you still as his tongue slips between your lips. He tastes amazing, like mint and spicy cinnamon.

He kisses you until you can't breathe anymore, then breaks away just long enough for both of you to gulp in air before his lips are on yours again. Your arms snake around his neck as you melt into his embrace. He tips up your head to give him better access. The bare skin of his torso feels impossibly hot even through the fabric of your tee.

Suddenly, he wraps one arm around your waist and the other under your ass and lifts you up onto the counter. This allows him to push his hips between your legs and get even closer to you. Something hard and long brushes over your core as he rocks his hips. A little moan escapes your lips at the shot of pleasure it delivers straight through your veins. He swallows the sound and bites your bottom lip. You roll your hips against his, silently begging for more of that delicious friction. Part of you, the reckless part, wishes he would just rip off your clothes and fuck you right here on the counter.

The front door opens and closes. The lock clicking into place sounds as loud as a bomb to you, snapping you back to sanity.

Cody's voice echoes in the apartment. "Y/N, Ash, I'm home!"

You shove Ash away frantically. He growls and grumbles but steps back to allow you to hop off the counter. You scramble to tug your clothes down and smooth your hair before Cody comes into the living room, which is open to the kitchen.

"Hi!" you greet him brightly and not at all awkwardly.

He frowns at you, looking you over. His nostrils flare as he seems to catch some kind of scent in the air, one that makes his chest rumble with a growl. Then he scrutinizes Ash. You glance at Ash and both you and Cody catch sight of the very obvious tent in Ash's boxers.

Cody raises his brows at the two of you. "Have you two been having fun without me?"

You cover your face with your hands, groaning in embarrassment. Wait a minute—did he say 'without me'?

"Are you mad?" You peek out at him from between your fingers.

"Nah," he says lightly, though he does shove Ash aside with a little more force than necessary while he walks around the counter. "Well, I'm not happy, but it's okay. Ash and I have an agreement."

While you're still blinking in confusion about that—what the hell does he mean by 'an agreement'?—he bends down and places a sweet kiss on your cheek, making you even more flustered.

"Oooh, is that dinner?" Cody grabs a bowl from the pile you forgot on the counter and starts shoveling a huge amount of rice and saucy chicken into it. Ash does the same, and the two leave you to go sit on the couch and eat.

With a shaky breath, you grab your own bowl and follow them. Cody tugs you down to sit between them. Your couch isn't much bigger than a loveseat, so you're sitting pretty much squished between these two big guys, your thighs flush with theirs on either side.

"Were you able to find the dog's trail on campus?" Ash asks Cody.

"Nope," he replies in between enormous bites of food. Cody truly does wolf down his meals, as if someone's going to steal his food away if he doesn't scarf it down within a few moments. "Trail went cold."

"What are you talking about?" you interject.

"Shifter business. No need to worry about it," Cody assures. Already done with his dinner, he puts the bowl aside and tugs you into his lap. You squirm a little, feeling heat pool in your core once again. He bends down and inhales deeply at the hollow of your neck.

"Y/N, you smell so fucking good when you're turned on," he groans.

"What? You can smell that?"

"Oh, yeah," Ash says with a sly smile. "We can smell it from miles away."

You start squirming more, sure that your face must be flaming red. All those times you've had inappropriate thoughts about these shifters, they must have smelled you and known about it.

Cody's arms lock tight around you, keeping you from jumping up and running to hide in your bedroom out of sheer mortification.

"It's all right," he murmurs, his lips moving against the sensitive skin just below your earlobe. The hair on the nape of your neck rises. "We like it."

Cody turns on the couch, stretching his legs out sideways on the couch. He takes you with him, keeping you firmly on his lap. Slowly, you settle back, resting your head on his chest.

It's crazy how comfortable this feels. Technically, he's clinging to you, keeping you from leaving. You should hate this, right? Why does it feel so good to just lie back and stay?

Ash shifts back into black cat form. He pads over and curls up on your belly, purring happily. You pet him as Cody turns on the TV.

"Oh look, the Bachelorette is on."

"You watch the Bachelorette?"

"Duh. I'm here for the drama," he declares, making you laugh.

"So who's your favorite contestant this season?"


You both launch into a discussion about who should get the rose and who should get eliminated. Then you watch another episode, and another, chatting about your favorite seasons of the Bachelor universe as well as other reality TV you like to watch.

Ash snoozes on your lap until you also begin to nod off. You barely notice when Cody finally carries you to your bed and climbs in. 


Something a little more on the fluffy side this time! 

It's only going to get smuttier from here on out, dear readers, so I hope you're prepared (and excited!) for that. 

Until next time, xxxx

Chasing Tail: A reader x shifters romanceWhere stories live. Discover now