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True froze. she saw a girl older then her but not more then 14 she was wearing a  leather tunic and jeans. her hair was black with traces of red in it her hair was braided in the resemblance of hearts like true but there was a jagged red line down the center of each heart. her boots were muddy from the road. But the thing that disturbed true was her face  it was like if not indistinguishable from True's face.

"what is your name" true demanded, "and why are you in here"

my apologies my name is Esla F. ...  I am sorry but I have never known my last name.

"Do you mean Elsa" asked True

Esla smiled

"no Esla e.. s.. l.. a.."

Bartleby interrupted "Wow another true"

he walked to Esla like a cat and she started petting him.

 "Aren't you a handsome kitty"

"yes I am" he purred

"It would be a shame if you ever were hurt"

he seemed to not have heard what she said.

"True now I have two best friends"

true still felt like "Esla" was untrustworthy.

"So why  have you come here Esla"

" I heard stories of a great who used magic wishes and I  had to see for myself"


Bartleby was rolling on the ground purring while Esla rubbed his tummy.

"Bee, stop acting like a kitten" snapped True

Esla stopped petting him and he went and sat by True. 

if you excuse us we need to see Zee." 

"Oh that boy he decided to take a nap he said if you came i should tell you to come back tomorrow."

"really?" asked True not convinced she went and pulled back the vines to Zees study  

"I wouldn't ...." esla began

True saw zee knocked out on his desk.and started to call for the Rainbow King

"RAINBO..." she stopped. there was something cold on her neck, cold like steel.

"You have proved to be a True pain in the neck" 

The sword was long and thin. the hilt was black but the blade was red stained by blood.

"I see you like black and red a lot" stalled True

 Esla smillled "yes. but its not red enough"

what occurred next seemed to happen in slow motion.

the Rainbow king flew in and his eyes grew large he pointed his scepter at Esla starting a spell. Esla's muscels tightend as shew started swinging the blade.

True knew her last moments were coming. 


She felt a weight on her back push her neck and head under the blade.

Then it seamed as time realized it had made a flaw and resumed its flow.

the sword passed over her head  and she heard it hit something. Bartleby fell off her back with a long gash in his cheek. the  spell struck Esla and she stumble back but was otherwise unharmed.

Bartleby saw a wish next to him he grabbed it. It was Floto .He tossed it at  Esla.

 Floto enveloped her in a floating bubble.

"LET ME OUT." she screamed

she pointed her sword at the bubble about to pop it.

the Rainbow king grabbed the bubble in a spell. he trust it sending it far out off their sight.

"BEE, are you ok"

Bartleby's cut was realy bad. true could see that his jawbone had been cut and he was bleeding a ton. The blood loss was making him delierious.

"I am A-okay baby true and dead guy"

he pointed to true and then Zee while talking

"rainbow king"

the rainbow king ran his scepter over his cut and healed it

"I am made of fishy puffs"

"can you do anything about that" true asked

"i am sorry true but he will have to regain his blood on his own"

bartleby started licking himself.

"puffy goodness"

the rainbow king looked worried.

"False has found us"


the rainbow king looked at her.

"it is time for you to go home"

this made True mad.

" no I want some answers who was that why was she trying to kill me why does she look like me ... why didnt  your magic work on her"

true stopped out of questions

"and why are you a teapot" added Bartleby pointing a waving paw at him.

"i guess you two deserve some answers"

True and the rainbow kingdom rise of evil #TATRKWhere stories live. Discover now