Chapter 2

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I was waiting in the car about five minutes when I had the urge to pee.

I slipped two knives in my pocket and went through the front door, where I immediately saw Dean being held at gunpoint. Then Sam was led out at gunpoint.

As Bobby would say, Idjits.

"I don't mean to interrupt this party, but I would like to know where the nearest rest room is." I said, smiling. This was pure gold for blackmail.

"Lilly, I told you to wait in the car!" Dean said with a sigh. The two women dropped their weapons.

"Dean, Sam, and Lilly? Winchester?" The older one asked. At our nod, she and the younger dropped their weapons. "I'm Ellen Harville and that's my daughter Jo."

I had to contain my inner fangirl when I realized this was THE Roadhouse. One of the meeting places of Hunters. I heard it was a great place to meet up and exchange info.

I chose to stay with the Harvilles as Sam and Dean hunted a scary clown. Going after a freaky clown is a line I refuse to cross.

Ellen let me sleep on her couch. Ellen was a nice woman, though she threw me off every time she called me Lilly. Sam, Dean, and Bobby usually called me by my nickname, Six.

"Lilly, you mind helping at the bar?" Jo asked. Jo turned into a big sister I never knew I wanted. She was really cool and told me stories about growing up in a bar.

"Sure Jo." I said with a smile.

I was put to work sweeping and washing glasses. On my break I chatted with Ash, who didn't mind explaining his whole genius process with me. He was a cool dude, despite his mullet.

When Sam and Dean came back, there were sad goodbyes all around and promises to stop by again soon.

After that we met Gordon. I had seen a lot of evil, monster and human, but he sent chills down my spine. Dean didn't listen when Sam and I told him not to trust the guy. What Sam and Dean didn't know is I made a call after they helped Lenore, a nice vampire just trying to keep her humanity, escape and tied up Gordon. He threatened my family and he would only come after them again. I couldn't chance that. Nik wouldn't mind taking care of him.

The only good thing that came out of it was that Dean finally realized that not everything in the world was black and white.

Then we faced an actually zombie. My inner geek was shrieking with joy. I think I freaked Sam out with my gushing. Dean was gushing just as badly, which I know freaked him out.

Dean finally admitted in a "chick" moment that he wasn't dealing with John's death and he felt guilty.

I wish Dean didn't feel the need to put the world in his shoulders.

I hugged him when we reached our motel for the night and said, "You can't control what other people do, Apple Pie."

He hugged me back and said, "I love you too, Princess."

I looked up at him and smirked. "I think Sam would make a better Princess than me, he has the hair." I whispered.

Dean let out a laugh, so I considered it a win.

Then came my birthday. It was awesome. Dean and Sam stopped at the Roadhouse and Ellen made me a cake. Bobby called and promised me a gift when I visited next.

We met Andy after that. I had to give the guy props for Dean's face when he gave away Baby.

After that I was dropped off at Bobby's for a few months. Bobby's gift was a beat up truck. He and I fixed it up until my brothers came back.

They didn't come to get me until freaking February. I kneed the both of them in the balls as soon as they walked in the door.

Then we encountered the so-called Trickster.

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