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Chapter 5: a drink to ease the pain

I started undressing him when he pulled me down. Our faces were inches apart from each other."d-dong-ju you have to let me clean you up",I said nervously. He pulled me closely and I couldn't move..I just sighed and laid there.

For the past month me and dong-ju been doing is arguing. We haven't even got married yet and our wedding is less two months."can't you just come home sooner what are you really doing until 1 am",I asked him over the phone during my break at work."I've told you since the beginning I'm working just because your my fiancé doesn't mean I just drop everything to come to your defense",he said as I scoffed."oppa! You said you would try and your not even trying",I said to him as I rolled my eyes.

"it's just excuse after excuse after excuse and if that's the case maybe we should just call the whole wedding off!",I screamed at him through the phone causing others to stare at me."I'm hanging up",I said putting my phone down and walking back into the building. That night after work I went into a bar. I sat down and sighed."long night huh?",the bartender asked me as I nodded.

"give me your strongest drink I'll pay extra",I said sliding him my black card. He gave me the strongest drink and I chugged it down in a matter of seconds. The second one and third and the fourth one follows soon I was completely wasted."g-give me o-one more please",I said sluggishly. The man sighed."I can't give you anymore I'm sorry",he said handing me back my card.

I completely passed."ma'am were closing in 5 minutes do you have a way home?",I asked the lady who laid on the counter.
"check her phone and just call the most recent contact",my manager said to me. I nodded grabbing her phone. I unlocked it and the latest call log was from choi dong-ju so that's who I called. It rang for not even a minute.

"I told you I'm still at work what's s- um sir",I said cutting him off."who the hell is?!",he yelled in the phone."where the hell is my fiancé?!",he screamed at me."sir I'm a bartender and your fiancé is passed out and we Close in less than three minutes could you come pick her up?",I said clearing my throat. The man sighed before answering.

"fine hold one ya! Send that to hr I have to pick up my fiancé",he said hanging up the phone."he doesn't even know the adress",I muttered cleaing off the counter. The door open and a tall slim well fit man walked in."soo-yeon what am I going to do with you",he said breathing heavily."thank you I'll take it from here",he said as I handed him her purse, phone, wallet, and card.

He tried to move her when she sat up straight."I just want him to like me is that too much to ask?",she whined."ya.. do you think I'm just a rich girl like that's it",she asked the bartender who was confused."I'm pretty right?",she pouted as I tried to keep my cold aura."your pretty now come on",I said throwing her over my shoulder.

"thank you sir",I said to the man who left with the girl over his shoulder. We got into the car and she started singing."I cAn'T bE yOuR lOvE bEcAuSe I'm AfRaId I'lL rUiN yOuR lIfE",she sang as I scoffed at the girl. I put her seat belt on and she leaned her head against the window as I pulled off."I just want him to love me too is that too much to ask",she said whining.

"I know I'm not the girl he wanted but he he could just be nicer to me I'll be alright",she said whining. She unbutton the top button of her shirt. I took of my suit jacket and covered her with it."dong-ju I'm sorry I'm not a good fiancé",was the last thing she said before she fell asleep."No your perfect I'm the problem",I said looking at her sighing.

"I'm so sorry soo-yeon",I said stopping at a red light."Appa could you take over the business for a while",I said to my dad over the phone."Why is soo-yeon sick or something?",he asked me."no it's just I haven't been the best to her and I want to make it up",I said as the man chuckled.
"your mother would be so proud of you son I'll see what I can do",he said hanging up the phone.

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