Ch. 8

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Theo's Point of View

"Wearing that lame hoodie again, Miller?"

I rolled my eyes, turning around to face Aaron, "You wear the same three outfits everyday and you're judging my hoodie?"

That was the second time he made fun of my BTS hoodie.

He just scoffed and I continued walking with my friends.

Later, in class I got a text.

A- Meet my by the B hall bathrooms rn

T- K

I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom, and she said yes so, I set off to the B hall bathrooms.

It was rare he asked me to meet so I was curious what he was going to say.

When I got there, he was leaning against the wall on his phone.

I smiled and looked around to see if anyone was around.

When I knew there wasn't, I quietly ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek again.

His eyes widened and he looked around for people, "Stop fucking doing that," he whisper-yelled.

There wasn't any anger behind his words, he was just nervous someone would see.

I laughed a little, "Fine. What did you want to meet for?"

He avoided my eyes, but not in an obvious way. He was still acting cool and collected but he never once looked at me. I knew it was because he was nervous — his ears were bright red.

"Are you free after school tomorrow?"

I was frozen for a second out of shock.

"Yeah, why?" I finally said.

He still refused to look at me.

"Do you want to come over to my house?" He asked slowly.

I laughed a little, "Why?"

He finally looked at me to give me a small glare for laughing, "Shut up. I just figured since you're so set on us doing... whatever the hell we're doing... we could..."

I smiled, "You want us to get to know each other better, is that what you're saying?"

He rolled his eyes, "No. I just knew you would ask me sooner or later."

God, I felt elated!

"Alright, that sounds good. Text me your address."

He nodded.

I smiled again, taking a step closer to him, "Was there anything else?"

He shook his head.

I looked around before putting my hand on his cheek and moving his head, so he was looking at me, "Why do you keep avoiding looking at me? Do I make you that nervous?"

He looked down at my lips for a second before looking back at my eyes, "Why would you make me nervous?"

I shrugged, "Just a hunch, that's all. See you tomorrow."

I gave him a wink before I turned around and walked away.


To everyone else we had gone back to normal after those few weeks of ignoring each other. We were back to spewing insults at each other and making scenes in the hallways.

But when we were alone, we worked on being sweeter.

It wasn't often but when we had chances, we would flirt with each other a little. I liked to give him quick kisses on his cheeks even though he always scolded me and said he didn't like it — the red on his ears told me a different story. He liked to tease me affectionately and it always made my heart pound out of my chest.

At the moment I was on my way to his house. So we could get to know each other better in a place where we didn't have to be worried about being spotted or heard. I was so surprised when he was the one who suggested it. He said he only initiated it because he knew I was going to mention it soon, but I saw right through him.

He also said the only reason he offered his house was because no one would be at there so he wouldn't have to worry about sneaking me in or making an excuse. I knew he was full of it, but I went along with it anyways.

I'd take any chance to be alone with him.

When I got to his house I rang on the doorbell happily.

It only took a few seconds for him to open the door.

"Come on in," he said, stepping to the side so I could walk in.

"I'm surprised you're letting me in so casually, not throwing a blanket or something over me to keep people from seeing."

He rolled his eyes, "Ha ha. I'm not that paranoid."

I laughed a little, "Okay."

He led me to the living room where we sat on opposite sides of the couch facing each other.

I smiled at him, "I'm not gonna bite."

"No, but you kiss."

My smile widened, "I thought you liked my kisses."

"Shut up."

His ears turned red again.

I scooted closer to him.

We weren't that close, just in front of each other — we weren't touching or anything. But we weren't on opposite sides of the couch like he was scared he'd catch a disease from me.

He sighed, "Fine, whatever. So, tell me about yourself."

I laughed, "Come on, be sweeter. We agreed to try."

He let out a breath, "Sorry... it's weird."

"That's alright, it'll take getting used to. Let's just ask questions we're curious about. No holding back."

He shrugged, "Okay. Are you gay?"

I laughed, "Sherlock, you cracked the case!"

He rolled his eyes, "Hey, what happened to 'sweeter?'"

"Sorry," I said, laughing a little again. "Yes, I am. I've only ever really liked you, but I only find boys attractive. Girls don't interest me. I assume you're straight?"

He thought for a minute, "I guess I'm bi... I've never thought about it though. Not till someone had to kiss me."

I smiled sheepishly, "Oops."

"What kind of music do you like?"

"K-pop. Oh yeah, that hoodie you always insult? It's a hoodie for my favorite band."

He smiled sheepishly back at me, "Oops."

I rolled my eyes but kept the smile on my face, "Whatever, it's fine. What kind of music do you like?"

"Rock mostly, but I'll listen to almost anything."

"You'd listen to K-pop with me?"

He laughed, "I don't know about that..."

"Fine. Favorite food?"

"Meatloaf, you?"

"Fettuccine Alfredo. And most pastas... God, I love pasta."

He chuckled, "That's a little weird, but okay."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

But when all he did after was stare at my lips... my face flared red.

I lightly smacked his shoulder, "Focus!"

He opened his mouth to say something when he paused.

"What?" I asked.

He seemed distracted.

"Did you hear a car pull up?"


I did hear keys jingling at the front door a few seconds later though.

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