the cullens.

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The first few classes were amazing. I got to meet so many people! And I made them smile! Now it was around lunchtime, and I wait in the lunch line.

I check my options for today, and easily my appetite decreases. I bit my lip for a moment before settling on some chips and a water bottle.

'Thank you' I say as the lunch lady types my name into the device. I take my chips and water and glance around the lunchroom, eventually spotting Angela causing a smile to spread.

I head over to her table and sit myself down beside her, passing her friends a wide smile. They all end up smiling as well.

'𝐇𝐢, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲! 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮!' I say, glancing around the table.

Angela then speaks, 'Carly, meet my friends,' she points to each person as she spoke, 'this is Jessica, Mike, Tyler, and Eric' she says.

I wave enthusiasticly as they all break out into smiles. Soon Bella comes over, but she seems to be fuming when she spots me. But I don't let my smile falter as I turn my attention away from her and around the lunchroom.

I then hear Bella ask, 'who are they?' And turn to look at her. She's looking out of the window.

I look out to and see probably the most beautiful people ever. First to walk in is a blonde woman, and I swear my heart is stolen. But not in a romantic way. Or maybe..?

Then, in enters a bulky, Burnett guy. He's handsome. But he looks like a big teddy bear!

I giggle at my own thoughts as I listen to Jessica explain on who they are.

'The blonde girl, that's Rosalie. And the big guy, Emmett, they're like, a thing. I'm not sure that's exactly legal' Jessica says. Angela responds, exasperated.

'They aren't actually related Jess' she says. Jessica just shrugs and keeps speaking, 'yeah but they live together, it's like, weird and, okay so, the little dark haired girl is Alice, ' I watched as the blonde man Alice is with, spins her around while they walk. They are so.. Mesmerizing.

'She's really weird. And uhm, she's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain' Jessica keeps going as she describes the cullens.

I see Alice glance at me as she then waves excitedly, causing me to do the same. I then see Jasper give a subtle nod. I begun to feel giddy so I squealed lightly and placed my hands over my mouth as I smiled, my knees rising to my chest.

As I then see another boy walk in, Bella is practically gawking. It makes me want to puke.

I see him smile, almost as if he had heard me because he glanced at me. Had I said it out loud? Nobody else seemed to hear.

Once he's sat, I hear Jessica telling Bella not to even try, as Edward wouldn't take her. And she says she won't. Lies.

I glanced at their table, all of them doing their own thing. I decided I'd wanted to say hi. So I grabbed my chips and my water, plus my bag, and I walk over.

Once I'm at their table I wave happily, 'Hi! I'm Carly' I say as I sit my things down, sitting in a chair at the end of the table.

I look up and noticed they were looking at me, though they didn't seem angry I just invited myself. Some were smiling and some were shocked.

'Hi! I'm Alice! And this is my family' Alice says, I nod happily, 'I know, I've heard' I say. I see Rosalie crack a smile before she speaks, 'your very pretty Carly' she said. I squeal and place my hands on my face, 'thank you!'

The rest of lunch went on like this, the cullens and I chatting. Little did I know, there was a certain girl glaring at me from across the room. But did I care? No, I didn't.

Soon enough the bell rings signaling the end. I stuff my unopened chips and water into my bag, and Rosalie and Emmet begin to walk with me. We found out that we all had classes together at some point during the day.

My thoughts on the cullens, they were such sweethearts! Rosalie is very gentle, and so is Emmett but he's funny! Alice is like me! She's so energetic. Jasper is kind and calls me 'darling' a lot which I find adorable! And Edward, he's sweet and, already he's treating me as if I'm some sort of lost sister. I love that family already!

Please don't forget to comment and vote! I'd love for you guys to give feedback and tell me what you think needs improving! <3

BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM || A!Cullen + J!Hale x Fem!oc [☓]Where stories live. Discover now