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Rated with 'Mature Content' due to gore, sexual references/gross or rude humor, and for the innocent readers. Continue reading if you believe you are able to withstand mentions or are of age.

~[The Runaway: Prologue]~

Sirens. Gunshots. K9 units. Survival.

Those were the only thoughts going on in the twenty year old's head as of now.

He pumped his arms as he sprint through the lush green forest, panting heavily. Beads of sweat gathered around his forehead, with the occasional one running down the side of his face. Scratches littered his face from the rough, thick edges of the occasional tree branch that struck at his face as he ran by.

There would be no easy escape this time, he thought.

He ignored the spray of loose dirt from under his feet and tuned into the sound of another being's own crunch of dirt. They were certainly close that was for certain. Seems as if he lost a few though.

Almost as if on cue, a German Shepard seemingly lept out of nowhere, aiming at the criminal with agape jaws.

Purple eyes seemed to glow a faint white, and time seemed to slow in mid motion as the dog lounged at him.

The rattailed male pulled out his knife from its holister before the poor dog knew it.

Time seemed to return to its regular pace as the glint of sharp metal struck flesh, accompanied by the thud of a small furry body.

A pearly white grin crawled across the man's face in triumph. He never missed his mark, and never will.

He still kept going in his midnight run, his eyes coming across a sign in the distance. A perfect place to hide.

~[End of Prologue]~

Author's Note:

Aweh no, poor puppy! D:
Had to do it.

Anyways, I hope I've got you hooked in this fan fiction already. I tried to make it catching as possible, as well as descriptive. (Still working on descriptions of imagery, so this is not the final form, YET!)

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