In the bustling city, amidst the whirl of fabrics and the clack of sewing machines, she dreams of her designs gracing runways...
Meanwhile, deep undercover, he navigates the shadows, chasing a criminal mastermind. Their worlds collide in a twist of fate, igniting a chain of events neither could foresee.Bonded together in marriage for the sake of convenience, rather than love.....Will love bloom between the unexpected pair......?
When the life of Diya Mishra and Kabir Rathore get tangled in a game of fate
Their life intertwines to form a twisted but beautiful piece of art....Where threads of passion intertwine with the warp and weft of deception, she stitches dreams into reality while he weaves through the shadows of deceit...
Let's see their fates getting Tangled like threads...~ Warning ~
This is my first time writing a book mistakes will be there please point it out so I can correct themCover by es7xffs
Hope u enjoy ~
~author eryx~A/N
The updates will be slow as im having boards this year so may not be free
I haven't completed the story so if you have any suggestions you suggest it
Tangled Threads
Fanfiction~In the bustling city, amidst the whirl of fabrics and the clack of sewing machines, she dreams of her designs gracing runways......~ ~Deep undercover, he navigates the shadows, chasing a criminal mastermind.....~ ~Their worlds collide in a twist o...