Chapter 1- Broken

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Tessa Rose and her dress ^^


Tessa POV

6:21 a.m. My alarm clock buzzed as I reached over to hit the snooze button. 25 minutes later I finally got my aśs up and checked the time. "6:46 a.m." I had 14 more minutes until 7 o' clock. I lazily hopped out of bed and put on my mint green fuzzy slippers. I grabbed my phone and spent 5 minutes checking my notifications and feed on Instagram. I updated and checked Snapchat before heading to my closet. "Thursday, Thursday," I thought. "What to wear on a Thursday." After what finally felt like forever, I had decided to wear a mint green floral dress that ended above my knees and some flats to go with it.

No one POV

Once Tessa was done taking a shower, she put on her clothes and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. She was greeted by her dog Alaska, a black and white labradoodle puppy. Alaska licked her toes and barked, just as Tessa crouched down to greet him.

"Hi there buddy! Good morning Alaska! Let's go get some breakfast," she said to her dog.

She walked towards her kitchen and grabbed some Purina dog chow in one of the cabinets and opened her pantry door to see the stored food. "Cereal..." She grabbed some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and grabbed 2 bowls. Tessa filled up her cereal in one and water in another. She placed the bowl of water on the floor and picked up Alaska's dog bowl and filled it up with dog chow.

"There ya go buddy," Tessa said as she gave her dog his breakfast. She ate her dry cereal in silence as she realized she forgot to check the time.

"Shïť!" It was 7:50 and Tessa was about to be late for school. She threw her bowl in the sink harshly, and it broke into pieces. "Not today, I'm not going to be late to school and get another detention because of a freakin broken bowl." Tessa kissed Alaska goodbye and ran out the door. She continued running until she reached the bus stop and checked the time the next school bus would come. 8:02 a.m ok and its.... 8 o' clock. Right on time the bus came. She hopped on and greeted the bus driver before sitting towards the back. All the other kids on the bus were those delinquents that would probably graduate by the time Caliou grows some hair on his head. Tessa looked outside at the view of buildings and stores before approaching her school parking lot. After exiting the bus she got a late pass and headed towards her locker. She grabbed her books and headed towards her first period class...French. This is going to be a long day.. 8:22 a.m. Okay...... Tessa sighed before heading to class.

After what felt like centuries of talking and learning, it was finally lunch. Tessa bought a slice of pizza with some lemonade iced tea. She headed to sit down next to her best friend, Anabel Cress.

Tessa POV

"Hey Tes!" Anabel greeted.

"Hey Ana," I replied to her as I sat down.

"So how are thing between you and Jake?" I asked.

"Me and who? Oh Jake, yeah I'm over him. He was SO 3 minutes ago," she said as if it were nothing.

"THREE MINUTES AGO?! YOU DATED HIM FOR 3 MINUTES?!" I raised my voiced and realized I was attracting attention. Hehe carry on guys don't mind me #Fakesmile.

"Yeah Freddy and I are dating now but I might break up with him after next period," Anabel continued. I swear this girl acts like a slut, she's dated every guy in this school as young as in 9th grade. We're in 11th and she's dating the graduates. But she's my slut and I have to make sure she doesn't get hurt. Makes me wonder how we were friends in the first place. I sighed and continued eating my pizza.

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