the journals

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In the twinkling of an eye, weeks slipped through Eve's fingers like sand in an hourglass. Before she noticed, November loomed with its golden brown colours and heavy rainfalls. Much to her surprise, she found herself enjoying that weather thoroughly. When living in the cottage, late autumn and winter were the times of struggle. Now, surrounded by all the comforts possible, she found the autumn's gloomy weather cosy and beautiful.

The girl had gotten used to her new, pleasant surroundings and quickly learned to enjoy the lavish lifestyle that her mother imposed on her. It seemed that Selene's way of compensating for all the time she had not been in Eve's life was spoiling her rotten. During the short six weeks, the woman had showered her daughter with numerous exorbitant gifts and accommodated every one of her requests and whims.

Having gotten almost anything she could want, the girl had plenty of things to do. She exhausted the books and listened to all kinds of music. And when the ideas of TVs and the Internet were introduced to Eve by her mother, there was no way for the teenager to get bored.

Yet that day wearied the girl so awfully. With her mother and David absent, tending to the Death Dealer matters, she could not leave the wing, nor had she anyone to chat with. Eve wanted to go with them, dressed in a leather Death Dealer outfit, like her mum, and kill some Lycans. That was a request her mother did not accommodate. The child's plea was met with a harsh 'No, end of discussion' by Selene. It greatly displeased Eve. All she wanted was to be helpful.

I can't take this anymore! I'll die of boredom here, she thought and decided to walk about their part of the palace. Mindlessly wandering through the hallways, the girl looked around and memorised little quirks and details of their home. After a while, her relentless curiosity led her to her mum's quarters. Being there multiple times, she did not pay much attention to the bedroom. A completely different room was her destination.

In the dimly lit study room, filled with the scent of old books, the young girl tiptoed through the maze of antique furniture and ceiling-tall shelves. Soon, Eve's attention focused on a collection of beautiful, ornate silver daggers - nicely displayed in a glass cabinet. "Huh, I wonder how many Lykans mum had killed with these," she smirked, her mind trailing off. The hybrid girl had an endless pool of hatred for those creatures.

As she explored further, she stumbled upon a few weathered, leather-bound journals tucked away in a forgotten corner of the bookcase. Just moments before, she saw a brand new journal lying on top of the bureau, with a pen still left between the pages - the girl did not dare to look into it. She picked one of the old ones up carefully. The journal seemed to have been through a fire of sorts, still smelling of smoke. Upon opening it, she discovered pages yellowed with age, filled with what must have been her mother's handwriting.

With trembling hands, she flipped through the journal, a smile painted on her face, "I'm taking you all with me," she whispered to the journals, walking away with them to her room.

Opening a pack of chocolates, Eve sat comfortably on the upholstered window seat, threw some in her mouth and began to read.

'16th of October, 1801

Last night, I had the doubtful pleasure of having a group of the newest recruits entrusted to me to train. (It was no doubt Kraven's new way of punishing myself for not attending yet another frivolous ball with him). I am willing to believe that I was given the densest ones possible.

I do not care for their behaviour. It was as if they weren't aware of what it meant, deciding to become one of us.

It is our greatest honour and our greatest burden. One we must be willing to bear.'

A slight frown formed on Eve's face as she flipped through the pages of the journal. The girl's eyes focused on another page.

'A Death Dealer has no life outside the ranks, no family, no love. Our allegiance is only to the protection of The Elders and the Coven. Our will is not our own - but that of the reigning Elder. A Death Dealer's aim is to eradicate the filth that is the Lycans.'

Her curiosity grew with each word. Reading those thoughts written down on the yellowish paper made her feel as close to her mother as ever.

'31st of December, 1801

Kahn asked me today if I remembered my life from before, what I imagined for myself, what I wanted. I plainly said 'no'. It pained me too much to admit that I had almost completely forgotten my family's faces, their voices, their names. I do not remember my home anymore - to be frank, I believe I made myself forget it.

Truth be told, if I ever wanted to be something, anything else than I am now, it was too long ago for me to recall.'

The hybrid girl felt a heavy weight settle in her chest as she thought of the story her mother had told her - of a man who slaughtered her family and pretended to be her saviour, her protector. The thought of her mum having everything a person could want: a loving family and a home and losing it all in one night made the girl overwhelmed. She must have felt so helpless and lonely, Eve thought. The teenager shook the thoughts away and skipped some pages.

'7th of August, 1802

My team and I are about to travel to the far ends of Romania. We are to exterminate a pack of lycans who have been terrorising the area. The local coven failed to eradicate the beasts - their team of Death Dealers was defeated and destroyed. Only the captain managed to save himself. As a captain, I would rather die fighting than abandon my team. I do not know how to face that cowardly man and respect him.

This mission is going to be my last before The Awakening. I hope that by the time I return, Markus already will have arrived to break Viktor's slumber.'

The child furrowed her brow. She recognised the name, 'Viktor'. He was the man Selene had told her of. The girl felt sorry for her mother, for she did not know yet what a monster that man would have turned out to be.

'3rd of October, 1802

Just two short nights of travel are between us and Szentendre. As I planned, we will be arriving just in time to attend The Awakening. The thought of seeing Viktor again fills me with joy. I missed him dearly these past two hundred years. To everyone, he might be known as a ruthless and stern Elder. But to me, he is the only one in this harsh world who reminds me what it means to be loved by a father.'

The words on the page danced before her eyes. Eve became so entranced in her mother's emotions that suddenly, a melancholy feeling took over her. The girl absolutely adored her mum and was grateful for having her, yet deep inside, she wished to have a father. Subconsciously, she missed a man she had never met.

The teen stared out the window, lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts. Time seemed to stand still as she imagined what her life could be had her father survived.

A thundering knock made the girl snap back to reality. Before Eve managed to say anything, her mother stormed into the bedroom.

"Mum, hi!" She exclaimed, jumping off the seat, "I missed you," whined the hybrid child, embracing her mother tightly.

"I was only gone for a day, darling," said the woman, shocked by her daughter's sudden emotionality. Not wanting to keep her daughter in the dark, she began to speak, "Listen to me," the vampiress started, "things might start getting dangerous again," she sighed.

"What do you mean," worriedly asked the young girl.

Grabbing her child's hands into her own, Selene explained, "Until now, the leaderless Lycans remained scattered throughout Europe," she said, looking into Eve's now concerned face, "but lately, we've been picking up on their activity. They've regrouped, most likely joined forces against us. And just yesterday, they have all started moving in our direction."

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