Chapter One: Meeting

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You walked to school, the rain was bad and your hoodie didn't help

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You walked to school, the rain was bad and your hoodie didn't help. You ran to school and into the building, just to be faced with your twin sister. You two had been separated after your parents divorced. Your dad spoiled her rotten and the two often abused you. You grumbled and walked past her but she shoved you against the wall. "Hey loser." She said, clearly upset.

"What do you want?" You ask. "You stole my boyfriend you brat!" You flinched. You're used to this, you're used to this. You don't even date. Much less date her boyfriends. You just stayed quiet. "Wait till I tell Dad." Then she just shoved off.

It was a short day at school, you have 10 classes, 5 a day. You have math, reading, science, TECH and choir today. Since the day is cut short you only go to your first three classes. You walked into your math class, the teacher, Mrs. Quinn, opened the door for you. "Ms. Libitina." She spoke. "Mrs. Quinn." You really do not like her. She hates you. For no reason too.

"You're late." She spoke with a snarling tone. She's obviously upset you came today. "I know. I'm sorry. My alarm was late and my dad was called in early to work so I had to walk." You lowered your head slightly. "Not my fault." She moved over. "Go inside." You walked in. You had an airpod in your ear, hidden by your hair so she didn't notice. You sat in the back of the class.

Next to you was an empty seat. Mrs. Quinn walked in front of the class, with a boy next to her.

The boy was wearing a blue collared jacket that had a pin that had a smiley face on it. He had black hair and blue eyes. He wore black jeans and black shoes. He looked... sad... like he felt somber. His jacket had paint stains on it. He looked really cute. However, I don't like to crush on people (because the last time I did he started to bully me). He looked so cute though. I can't help but look down at my sketchbook which I hadn't realized I had put on my desk.

"Class. This is our new student. Helen Otis." She moved aside so he could speak. He didn't speak and just muttered a simple "hi". "Helen, you can sit next to.." She looked around the room, trying to find anywhere other than the seat next to me to sit him. "I'll sit next to her..." He smiled softly.

God he looked so cute. He pointed at me. The teacher had no choice but to let him. She nodded and let him. He sat next to me

It was then I noticed that he had a sketchbook in his arms. He had a paintbrush in one hand and a small canister in the other. I looked down at my sketchbook and blushed a bit.

He sat down in the seat, he smiled so sweetly which made me practically melt in my seat. He held his hand out to me to shake it. "Helen. You?" He asked.

I gingerly shook his hand.


"Nice name."


He sounds so cute. And he's so sweet.

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