Arriving in Hell

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The scene opens up to a rainy night, a black patrol car driving down a road in LA rolling code 3 to an active shooter.

Y/N: "Dispatch, 2-4 show me arriving on scene making entry"

Y/N gets out of his patrol car draws his pistol and runs into the mall, he's the first officer on scene but in active shooter situations every second counts so he enters alone. He quickly pushes past the doors and passing any civilians injured, his first priority is eliminating the threat doing a hasty search of all shops located in the mall.


Suddenly three shots rang out, and Y/N starts running towards them looking for the source, telling all civilians who are capable to run to the exit. The shots getting louder as he gets closer. Y/N turns the corner as he makes visual contact with the shooter, they are dressed in black hoodie, black sweats, with a Kevlar vest on top. They are armed with an AR styled rifle. They turn around to see Y/N turn the corner and Y/N fires off 3 shots 2 hitting the suspect 1 missing and hitting a innocent person nearby killing them, before the suspect hits the deck they pull the trigger a round striking Y/N in the neck. He falls to the ground gasping for air, he hits the panic button on his radio.

The radio comes to life as dispatch start going off making the already bad situation worse. Y/N's vision starts going black as he starts bleeding out the last thing he hears are other officers closing in on his location. But it's too late.

Y/N slowly opens his eyes, he finds himself in an alley in his patrol car. He looks around not knowing where he is, he grabs his radio in his vehicle and talks into it.

Y/N: "Dispatch, 2-4 radio check."

He waits for a response but nothing comes, he tries again.

Y/N: "Dispatch, 2-4 radio check."

Again nothing, he puts his radio down as he starts his patrol car, slowly pulling out of the alley. This time taking note of the red sky and pentagram in the sky.

Y/N: "what the fuck?" He mutters to himself

He looks around and instead of people he sees demons of all kinds and looks, some eyeing his vehicle. He continues driving slowly keeping an eye on everything going on, he has his windows rolled 2 in down so he can hear everything outside. Suddenly he hears gun shots in the distance and screaming, his training kicking in and he steps on the gas turning on his lights and sirens to get to the location as quickly as possible. He arrives on scene to see a group of people shooting at some unarmed demons, Y/N jumps out of his vehicle and draws his gun.

Y/N: "Drop the weapons!" He yells at the armed demons

The one who seems to be the leader turns to him and yells back.

Lead Demon: "Who the fuck do you think you are." He responds back in a heavy New Jersey accent

Y/N: "I said drop your weapons." He responds ignoring his question.

This pisses on the demon as he starts yelling, his goons looking in confused.

Lead Demon: "I'M A FUCKING OVERLORD YOU PIG! I RUN THESE STREETS!" He yells fighting his grip on the pistol in his hand

Y/N: "I won't tell you again drop your weapons!"

Instead the demon raises his pistol but before he can get a shot off he is shot 3 times by Y/N, the from drops to the ground while all his goons run off, Y/N ignores them and moves in to secure the demon he had just shot kicking away the pistol.


Over all the news channels what had just happened can be seen playing, news reporters giving their thoughts on the ordeal

News reporter 1: "A cop in hell, more at 9."

News reporter 2: "Cop overlord to be?"

Reporter 3: "Cop kills low ranking overlord, what's to come."

This news spreads like wildfire, sinners and overlords all over hearing the news. Especially one dressed in red.

Red suit: "How interesting." The demon says as the screen fades to black

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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