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 A mundane day in the Mushroom Kingdom went by like the day before. Luigi always stayed home with his brother Mario as they played card games together. Luigi always liked it when Mario had this time for him since he was busy saving the princess. However, Luigi never minded it as he knew nobody else in the kingdom could save the princess.

Day after day, night after night, it was all the same for the Mario brothers. Luigi is the first up, downstairs, and already making breakfast for him and his brother. Luigi always cooked the same thing. A scrambled egg filled with mushrooms, fettuccine, and fresh tomatoes from Luigi's garden, topping it off with a perfect blend of salt and pepper spread evenly across the dish. Then, a soft male voice talks from the small kitchen in their tiny home.

"Mario! Breakfast!"

Mario then slumps forward, groaning as he remembers he has to get out of bed for the day. He grabs his glasses from his nightstand, goes to the mirror, and grabs his wide-comb brush. He begins to brush his tight, curly brunette hair as he struggles with the tighter curls.

"Come on. Come on."

"Al Diavolo!"

Luigi's broad shoulders tense up as he whips his head around, seeing his elder brother stomping down the stairs with a wide comb in his hair. His lips stifled as he bit his lip, holding back the urge to laugh at the state he was in. He managed to calm down, plating both of their food down as he walked over to his brother.

"Aha! Mario, why is a comb in your hair?" Luigi asked, looking down at Mario. Mario didn't appreciate the laugh, glaring at Luigi for a minute. Then, he chuckles.

"Well, Lu, I was trying to brush out my hair since it was still pretty damp. But the brush doesn't like me all too much." Mario says, looking up at his younger brother with a bright smile.

"You know damn well."

Luigi reaches over and begins wiggling the comb out of Mario's hair, ripping it out of his brother's restricting curls. He sighs, holding his brother's comb, and hands it back. Mario nods as Luigi, his way of saying 'thank you' without saying much. He reaches over to the kitchen counter, grabbing his plate. Luigi takes his plate, hopping on the counter next to his brother.

"Hey, bro." Luigi begins, "We should see if that vendor in the princess-a's courtyard is here today! He's always got the best churros, pizza, and most importantly–"

"Spicy meatballs!"

The two began to laugh as they spoke in unison. Each time, harder and harder. Mario eventually was the first to calm down, patting his chest with his fist while his other hand fanned his red face.

"Lu, you're killing me here! Fuck, my blood pressure!" He tries to calm down as Luigi gets up, running upstairs to find Mario's fitness tracker. He finds his red one and runs back downstairs, taking a tumble but quickly getting back up. He hands the tracker to his brother, panting.

"Here- you go, Mario." Luigi mumbles, watching as Mario puts it on. He always knew his brother had high blood pressure ever since they were little kids. Their dad had heart issues, and Mario got the unfortunate gene for said heart problems.

"Ah. Thanks, Lu. Don't know what I would have done without you." Mario looks back at Luigi, a smirk on his rounded cheeks as he begins breathing exercises to calm down his heart.

"I'm sure you could manage without me, bro‒"

Mario suddenly cuts Luigi off, his eyes piercing into him.

"I could never live without my baby brother."

Luigi glances back at his brother. His bright blue eyes widen with shock. Mario's voice was often charming and airy, filled with loveable charm. To hear his brother with a more direct tone was foreign, but Luigi could see the genuine care in his eyes. He watches his brother push his thin, square-framed glasses up to his rounded nose as his brother's voice cuts off his thoughts.

"Lu, wanna head down to the princess-a's courtyard for them meatballs? We may as well take advantage of the day we got off from rescuing her! Who knows? Maybe she'll invite us for some of her sweet strawberry cheesecake!"

Mario was the first to hop down from the counter, quickly recovering from his high blood pressure as he grabbed his signature red cap. Luigi pulls out his phone and checks the weather, seeing it's around 92 degrees outside. He goes upstairs, puts on his basil-colored tanktop and brown belt, walks to the coat rack, and grabs his matching hat.

"Mario, you sure you want to meet the princess-a in your pantalocinos? And bunny slippers?"

Luigi laughs as Mario walks back upstairs and puts on a sea-green Hawaiian shirt plastered with little suns around. He walks back downstairs, a pair of blue sunglasses on top of his puffy hair. He had black basketball shorts, white tennis socks, and black sandals. Seeing his brother like this, Luigi couldn't help but smile.

"C'mon, bro! Your girlfriend is going to be so happy when she sees us! After all, it's a beautiful day."

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