Late night call (all-nighter) and first date ideas.

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(This fanfic is inspired by sleepovers with mizuena on ao3 by yelanshusband please go read the fanfic! It's not a sleepover a fanfic that I'm writing but it's more so of a call. So enjoy!)

It all started off with a call from last night between Mizuki and Ena.

"Enanan~!! I have an idea~!" cheered the pinkette who is practically screaming into their headphones, immediately pissing off the brunette.

"Do you HAVE to scream into the mic every time you get excited?!" Asked the tsundere social media obsessed artist in an irritable tone of voice.

"Nooo...~ But I just felt like it, sorry Enanan I hope I didn't make you go deaf ~!" The animator said in a giggly tone yet with an obvious intention of teasing and irritating the artist in an affectionate way. Mizuki's typical annoying way of showing Ena their own display of affection.

"God you're so annoying.." The brunette grumbled under her breath in annoyance. Soon enough she just shakes it off, it's just her girlfriend being her typical self always playful affectionate loving and teasing, yet to be so sweet and innocent and mature at the same time. To be honest the Brunette artist doesn't even know why someone such as herself ended up with such a stunning and gorgeous person such as Mizuki herself. Ena sighed and decided to ask about the designer's idea.

"What was your little 'Idea' about now? Also, hurry up and tell me and get straight to the point or else i'm gonna ignore you and continue drawing. " Said the brunette in a serious yet soft curious tone of voice, she was eager to get back to her sketch because she was actually pretty proud of how it started to turn out and it was far better than she pictured it to be.

"Okaaay, so so I thought of our ideas for our first date! I promise nothing that you wouldn't like I promise, we'll take it easily and slow. Sooo wanna hear me out on the Ideas I came up with?" Mizuki happily responds to her girlfriend in an excited tone, a lower and softer so she wouldn't hurt Ena's poor hearing again. The pinkette hoped that her girlfriend would be willing to hear her out.

"Huh..? Yeah sure I'd love to." The brunette finished her sentence and waited for her girlfriend to list out some new ideas she was actually invested in this topic, mainly because her adorably sweet and innocent cutesy girlfriend was gonna go on a rant about the date ideas and her fantasies of her date ideas with her, Ena felt like a listener to Mizuki's podcast, not that she minded it. In fact, she loved it she was always tuned in when it came to Mizuki now.

"Okay sooo.. hear me out, I was basically thinking of our usual hangout out when we go shopping together at the mall and then I was like 'Nah, too usual it's special but it's not gonna be as special as it NEEDS to be. So, I decided to list some things out, I was thinking of a cat cafe' date since I seen this one cat cafe' that's trending SOOO much on social media right now, and then I thought: "Oh my God, Ena would love this. Of course Ena loves kitties plus she could get a ton of likes and views along with the kitties being featured, not to forget me. >:( !!" So I added it to the list! AND THENNN I saw this really pretty flower exhibit, and you'd probably like it there's all sorts of flowers there from all over the world quite literally! but I thought... "What about something cozier, like sleepovers or going to the movies maybe visiting the zoo or aquarium.. orr going to a theater or opera or MMJ's or L/N's or VBS's concert! Or we can go to PXL! but I can't decide which one to do first and there's so much more but I need to finish my list that's all I have so far... :< I wish I had more to share with you.." Mizuki seemed to feel slightly bad for not being able to come up with more ideas to share with her girlfriend, Mizuki loved to share her ideas with Ena who was someone who allowed Mizuki to freely express themselves around her and is even protective of them. Ena was a tsundere and short tempered, but overall? She's just a sweetheart she's a sweet bowl of brown sugar under that spicy, and sour, yet bitter attitude of hers. Mizuki just wants to talk to her girlfriend about everything, someone who'll listen to her all day without complaints..

"No, it's fine don't worry, oh yeah sleepover date? I won't mind that seems like a great start actually, but aren't you a sensitive sleeper who can't sleep without your pillow being just right? Maybe I should come to your place instead?" Asked the artist in a curious tone of voice that was also questioning.

The pink hair fashionista replied calmly in agreement yet happily. "Mmmn, yeah you should it's probably best.. I don't want my insomnia to become a problem.. So when are you coming over to my place, Enanan~?"

"Hm? Maybe this weekened how's that Enanan~?" Questions the pink haired fashionista.

"Ah, this weekend should be fine then. I have nothing else to do this weekend anyways, want me to come over Friday night?" The brunette social media obsessed artist asked in a curious tone.

"Fine by meee~! I can't wait to see you Enanan~! I can't wait to give you a house tour and even show you some projects for new outfit designs i've been working on! I want to cuddle and kiss you to sleep with you and anno--" The animator was cut off mid sentence before they could even finish their sentence.

"Don't you even dare finish that last part of the sentence Mizuki." Ena says in a serious tone knowing that Mizuki would've said something annoying to purposely throw her off and irritate her.

"Aww man.. oh. Look at the time it is nearly 5AM. We should get some sleep, Enana..~" Mizuki yawns after finishing her sentence.

"Oh shit you're right.. let's just call it a night, I'll see you tomorrow evening, Mizu. Also goodnight.." The brunette yawned and stretched but just before she could hang up her girlfriend interrupted her.

"You're forgetting something sleepyhead..~" Mizuki spoke in a playful but easing tone. Knowingly the sleepy artist would get irritable by their early morning teasing.. after pulling an all nighter by accident.

"I swear to fucking-- Y'know finee...I fucking love you okay...? And Goodnight please go to bed for the love of God Mizuki, and go to school tomorrow." The brunette spoke in a soft sleepy tone yet noticeably irritable.

"Hmph.... fine but I don't wanna goo.. I'll only go since my adorable sweet chocolate drop of a girlfriend asked me to go to school just so she could see my lovely face~! Also, goodnight my lovely Enanan..~ <3" The pinkette teases their annoyed girlfriend one last time and tells her goodnight without forgetting to tell her that they love her.

"Sh..Shut up i-Ilove you too.. s-so... G-Goodnight Mizuki!" The brunette responds in a flustered tone immediately and hangs up on the call leaving her girlfriend snickering at her flustered reaction and hanging up right after.

Before going to bed, Mizuki decided to text Ena a sweet little message before drifting off.

{ ------------------------------------------------------- }
(4:54 AM) Direct Messages : Enanan ^^

Amia <3 : I hope we meet again in our dreams, my love ~ <3 :33

Enanan^^ : Shut up! and GO TO SLEEP.

Amia <3 : Hehehe~ Fine fine, niightt I love ya, Enana~! :D

Enanan^^ : I love you too now take your girly ass to bed.

Amia <3 : Okay.. :<

{ -------------------------------------------------------  }

(4:57 AM) : No one's pov (non call / text.)

The pinkette decided to shut off her laptop for tonight and slide into their comfy fluffy bed and drift off into dream land, and have sweet dreams about their beloved Ena, with a goodnight's rest.

One shot: END.Word count: 1318 A/N: I hope you guys like this one shot so far ! I know I didn't finish my previous mizuena book but I'll def try to finish this one so please send reqs!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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