Reach join the club

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After the argument, Roth heard the conversation, and he cried because he felt bad for Reach because it was his chance to represent his nation. All Reach wants is to make everyone proud of him. Its dinner time everyone eat dinner Reach can't eat his dinner because of his Dad is mad at him all he want is to join that club, Reach just go to his room read some book his Dad walk in, Reach "Dad why are you here, you just ruin my career", Dad "Look son listen I have a bad thing with badminton, So you see before most people play badminton they bet money like who's going to win and I'm one of the player I put like a lot of money I don't remember but I lost the bet and Ran away with the money I got because this is the only money I have left everyone was chasing me everywhere than I'm lucky enough to escape this is the reason why I moved to Cambodia and don't want you to be like me, since the club invite you to join I agree to make sure my beloved son is happy", Reach, "Really, dad, thank you so much. I'm so happy." Dad, "Make sure to be good, okay? I believed in you; you can make it." Reach: "Ok, , dad I will try my best to represent my  country." After that, Reach contacted the club. The club just accepted him because they saw how Reach played.".

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