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Picture Credit: Villnyan

 Haiden slowly regained consciousness, stretching his body against the bed.

Haiden calmly looked around the room, observing the "cutesy" items that hung off the

pastel pink walls. As well as the cute items that surrounded the room on top of white

dressers and furniture. There was a large doorway with a white door frame that led

into a dark hallway. "Where am i?" Haiden asked himself, slowly sitting up. He felt

so energized, finally processing his near encounter with death. "Oh man. How did I

get here?" He said, scratching his head. He remembered the dark creature that carried

him to the bedroom and the strange portal by the shrine. "That's right! The shrine,

and..." He looked over at the dresser next to the bed. A single glass of iced water sat

on the dresser next to the bed. He quickly grabbed the glass, swiftly downing the

whole cup. "Woah, that hits the spot." Haiden smiled, sighing in relief. He heard

footsteps approaching the bedroom, soft but slow. Haiden looked curiously at the

doorway. A tall creature stood in front of it. The creature was all black from head

to toe, it had abnormally large stick arms and legs. It was tall, so tall it's head

and neck was blocked by the top of the doorway. "Hello?" Haiden called out, causing

the entity to lower its body to enter the room. The top of its head had what looked

like cat ears or horns that stuck out of both sides of its head. The creature was

assumed to be about ten feet tall, which made Haiden slightly nervous. "Who are you?"

Haiden asked, watching the entities every move. It calmly sat down next to the bed

where Haiden laid. The creature lifted up its stick like hand, forming an actual hand

front he stick like structure. It balled its hand into a fist and started to knock on

the dresser. "-- -.-- -. .- -- . .. ... -.- .. - - -.--" The creature knocked.

Haiden smiled, "Thank god I took those morse code lessons in high school. You said

your name is Kitty, right?" Haiden asked, smiling at the entity. It nodded its head

up and down. "Nice to meet you, Kitty!" Haiden smiled, "Do you know what this place

is?" Haiden asked. "-- -.-- -... . -.. .-. –-- –-- –-" Kitty tapped. "You're

bedroom?" Haiden asked, Kitty nodded. "How about that shrine? What is that shrine?"

Kitty started to knock again "- .... .- - ... .... .-. .. -. . -... . .-.. --- -.

--. ... - --- - .... . ... . .-. .--. . -. - -.-. .- .-.. .-.. . -.. . -- .

.-." "A serpent named Emer? Is he vicious?" Kitty nodded its head side to side in

disagreement. "-. --- .... . ... .. ... ... ..- .--. . .-. .-- .. ... ." "Ah-

I see. Would it be wise to see him?" Kitty nodded happily. Haiden smiled, "well thank

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