Meeting him

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Caution!! There may be foul language!!

Karkat Vantas: you were hanging out with John when someone bursts through the door yelling. "HEY JOHN. WHERES THAT NOOKSNIFFER CAPTOR!?" "Karkat! Chill! I have a guest! Karkat Vantas, Y/N, Y/N, Karkat Vantas" you put out your hand. "Nice to meet you." He looked gown at your hand confused. He started laughing. "WHAT IN THE BULDGE-FONDLING FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOUR HAND?" He exclaimed. "Shake her hand." John whispered. Karkat cocked a brow. "Like this Karkat" John faced you and shook your hand. "Now you try." Karkat grabbed your hand. Then started to blush. Then shook it. "OH. MY CHUMHADLE IS 'CARCINO GENISEST' BY THE WAY.

Soullux Captor: You were on your way to Tavros' house because it was his wriggling day. You got to his hive and waited for him to answer. You were greeted by his highblood moiral Gamezee. "HeY sIs. DiD yOu CoMe BeCaUsE oF tAvBrO's W-dAy?" He asked. "Sure." you answered. You were let in and then you bumped into another troll. "Hey! Watch iit you nook2nii-" he abruptly stopped when he saw you. "Hey. The name'2 2oullux Captor. What'2 your2?" He asked "I'm Y/N." after the party was over Soullux walked over to you and wrote something on your hand. "Twin Armageddon." You read out loud.

Eridan Ampora: You were going for a nice walk when you bumped into someone "HEY! Wwatch wwhere your goin'!" Somebody shouted "Sorry" you looked up at him. But couldn't help but stare. He blushed a deep violet. Then pulled out a purple pen. Grabbed your arm and wrote something. "TTYL" He quickly said then walked away. You looked at your arm only to see the words "Grim Aquarium."

Gamzee Makara: You got out of bed then changed clothes and went for a walk. You saw a fallen tree across a river. So you tried to cross the river. At the end of the log. You lost your balance, then somebody caught you. "HoLy MoThErFuCk SiS. yOu ScArEd Me HaLf To DeAtH." He said "Can you put me down please?" You asked. "By ThE wAy, ThE nAmEs GaMzEe MaKaRa. My TrOlLiAn HaNdLe Is 'TeRmInAlLy CaPrIcOrNiCuS" he said "I'm Y/N" you shyly said. "It WaS a MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe ThAt I wAs HeRe To SaVe YoU. I'm LoOkInG fOrWaRd On TrOlLiNg YoU lAtEr On." Then you two went your separate ways.

Tavros Nitram: Dave Strider thought that you and Tavros would become moirals. So Dave introduced you to him. "hI. i'M tAVROS nITRAM,,,, UH,, WHATS YOUR NAME?" He asked. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Tavros." you said "hEY,, UH y/N, MY TROLLIAN HANDLE IS 'aDIOS tOREADOR' SO WE CAN TROLL EACHOTHER,, wELL,,, oNLY IF YOU UH,,wANT TO,," "That would be great"

Equis Zahak: you were bored so you went over to your friend Nepeta Leijon's hive. Turns out that her moiral was over. "Oh hi y/n! :33 This is my mewrail Equis Zahak!" Nepeta squealed. "D-->Hello. Nepeta was telling me about you. D-->You sound like a really nice person." He said. "Why thank you. What's your trollian handle?" Equis blushed a deep blue. he just wrote it down on the back of your hand. You were walking back to your house. You couldn't help yourself but laugh. His trollian handle is "Centaur testicals."

Hey! It's Claire! I take requests and I can't come up with any more scenarios. So please post ideas so I can update soon!

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