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In the morning , Hoshi and Bitna lay tangled in each other's arms, reluctant to let go of the warmth and comfort they found last night.

Still with no clothes on and with a soft sigh, Hoshi pressed a tender kiss to Bitna's forehead, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke.

"I hate to leave you, but I have to this event."he murmured regretfully, his fingers tracing gentle patterns along her cheek "that one with Solbin"

Bitna stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at him with a sleepy smile. "It's okay, go do what you need to do," she replied, her voice soft with understanding. "I'll be here when you get back."

"I really hope so"he kissed her shoulder "in fact, don't move"

"It'll be cold without you in bed...." Bitna pouted

With a reluctant nod, Hoshi reluctantly extricated himself from Bitna's embrace and got up of bed.

"I'll be back before you know it," he promised, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before he left my

As he made his way to the event venue, his thoughts were consumed by the memory of their snuggles and how good it was last night.

Arriving at the venue, Hoshi found himself caught up in a sea of people and cameras. It was a new series premier that Solbin was staring at.

The company said he needed to be there, no excuses given.

As the event unfolded, Hoshi found himself following Solbin as she was talking with her peers.

Solbin, draped herself over him with an air of possessiveness, her actions made Hoshi mad because he couldn't take her off him.

While they were posing for some photos, some journalists were waiting to make some questions.

Hoshi shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes darting around the room in search of an escape route, while Solbin was loving the attention.

"Are you two really dating?" a reporter asked, their voice cutting through the tension like a knife. The first time someone asked them.

Hoshi's jaw tightened at the question, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right words. "Um, yes, we're...together," he replied hesitantly, his tone lacking conviction.

Solbin, however, seemed unfazed by the question her smile never wavering as she leaned in closer to Hoshi. "Oh, sweety, don't be shy," she purred, her voice dripping with faux sweetness. "We're in love, aren't we?"

Hoshi forced a smile, his discomfort evident as he played along with the charade. "Yes, of course," he muttered, his words lacking sincerity.

"How did you two meet?" Another reporter asked them

"Oh it was destiny" Solbin said " we met through a mutual friend but he was too shy to speak to me but after a month or so we bump into each other on an event. He chased after me and wouldn't take no for a answer"

Hoshi dipped his head towards her ear "Think wisely because my patience is running out. Keep your mouth shut"

"Awww he loves you so much" one person said thinking what he did was an act of love...

Despite his best efforts to maintain the facade, Hoshi couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him.

Each touch from Solbin felt like a betrayal, each word spoken a lie.

And as the event dragged on, he found himself growing more and more resentful of the role he was forced to play.

As the questions continued to pour in, Hoshi's frustration reached its breaking point.

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