Chapter One: Queen Bee's Beginnings

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Once upon a time, there was an adorably chaotic and playful kitten. She had the spirit, the soul, of a feral but loving feline and made sure everyone who entered her domain knew she let them be here and she had just as much power to make them have to exit the premises.

So, naturally her name became Queen Bee, because that's exactly what she was.

The best thing about raising a hyperactive kitten was all of the memories and silly photos I took of her. She was an adorable cat. She remained energetic and sassy for much longer than most. She would push people's cups off of the counter, and that was when I knew it was time to let them out the door before she made their life a living hell in much worse ways.

Ways such as:

attacking their heels any time they walked by her (or she walked by them, which she would make a point to do frequently)... acting lovey by rubbing against their legs only to bite them hard when they tried to pet her in response... meowing loudly every time they tried to speak... and much more.

She really loved to photobomb people, too. If they were taking photos while over at my place, she would make a point to be in the photo. After all, she was queen of the house and it had to be made known that it was HER domain they were photographing.

And her photos were never uh... the most flattering photos. She'd be licking herself in awkward places or making weird faces or flying in the air to attack.

She was quite the character, growing up. I lost a few friends because of it, but that was welcomed to me. After all, if you don't love Queen Bee, then you don't love her minions either (me and my husband).

She was my everything, my life... and after my husband died, we leaned on each other even more than while he was alive. After all, he was her beloved minion and my wonderful husband. Any time we would miss him, we would curl up together and talk about him. She had much to say about him. I could tell she missed him.

Her health quickly declined after he died... and I had to prepare myself for the inevitable. I just hoped she would live longer than it seemed she was going to.

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