Mini movie #1 (Skibidi toilet + no images)

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???: Ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

G-man 4.0: Who the hell is laughing!?

Astro Detainer: What the hell?!

G-man 4.0 and Astro Detainer *feels like something bad will happen so gets ready for the worse.*

???: *grabs Astro Detainer head and throws him on the ground*

(Astro Detainer head gets thrown to the ground)

Astro Detainer: Fuck-

???: *kicks him to ground and kicks him towards G-man 4.0*

(Astro Detainer is sent flying to gman 4.0)

Astro Detainer: AG-!!

G-man 4.0: Get out of my way! *shoots his lasers at Astro Detainer*

*Astro Detainer gets hit by the lasers*

Astro Detainer: AGHHHHHHHH-

*Astro Detainer is trying to stand back up*

???: *looks at him and shows his appearance.*

*Astro detainer stares at the ???*

???: Now! Die! *runs at G-man 4.0 and Astro Detainer*

*Astro detainer and gman 4.0 look at each other and then raise their weapons*

Astro detainer and gman 4.0: Ready.

*They both start fighting ???*

G-man 4.0: *shoots his lasers at ??? And puts his combat mask on*

Astro Detainer: *runs at extreme speeds at ??? and hits him with his claws.*

???: *took some damage from the attacks*

*??? gets hit by the claws and he starts to think*

???: Those attacks hurt..I should hit them harder.

*??? runs at full speed to both gman 4.0 and Astro detainer and tries to hit them both.*

G-man 4.0: *dodges and shoots his lasers at ???*

Astro Detainer: *dodges easily and uses G-man 4.0 lasers to shoot at ??? Which made them stronger.*

???: *takes more damage, stand there then he suddenly heals all his wounds.*

*Astro detainer is surprised that ??? healed*

Astro detainer: *shoots his laser at ???* HOW THE FUCK?!

*??? seems to be ignoring both of them for some reason and starts walking around*

???: *picks up his a sword and throws it at Astro Detainer*

*Astro detainer gets hit by it.*

Astro detainer: AGHHHH-

G-man 4.0: *shoots its lasers at ??? But they all miss*

???: *pulls out his sword, and is starting to approach gman 4.0*

???: *walks in front of G-man4.0 and tries to slash him with his sword*

*G-man 4.0 tried to dodge but still got hit on his head*

G-man 4.0: AGHHHH-

???: *Tries to slash him again*

G-man 4.0: *Yells in rage with pushes ??? Back quite a bit. G-man 4.0 runs at ??? With his jetpack and shoots his lasers at ???, which did some damage.*

???: *is sent flying back due to the lasers*

*??? is getting angry*

???: *Charges at gman 4.0 and tries to hit him with his sword*

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