4.Class fight.

150 6 3

Song: Class fight - Melanie Martinez

"EVELYN WHAT THE FUCK!?" you screamed from your table table which as a result silenced the ENTIRE dining hall.

"What's the matter Dusty knee?" She jeered with a smirky stretching across her face.

"You conniving backstabbing little bitch! You KNOW how Khadija has been literally this whole time." you blurted out at her in blinded rage.

"It's not like I care...you were taking Cris away from me anyway!" she said basically professing her love for him.

You felt your entire warm up your fists were clenched. You couldn't control yourself.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" everybody had circled around you all waiting for a fight.

Suddenly, Evelyn ran up to you and grabbed you by the hair. A bitchy move

"Go for the throat!" Leilani chimed in.

Just then you grabbed her skinny little neck and slammed her to the ground, her eyes widening. Now you were on top of her.

"You dirty little slag this is what you get." you screeched.

You repeatedly punched her in the face. Blood ran down her nose and she struggled to get out of your grip.

Imagine it kinda like this:

"GET OFF OF ME!" She wailed in tear realising she had lost the petty fight.

You listened and jumped off her but as she got up you decided to push her making her collapse back onto the ground banging her head on the cold hard floor.

Unfortunately. She was still conscious so everyone including Khadija fled the scene leaving a dazed and confused Evelyn bleeding and injured on the ground.

As you were running away you felt someone tap your shoulder. At that moment your heart dropped you thought Evelyn was going to surprise attack you but actually it was..Cris?

"Destinée are you okay? I saw what happened there I can't believe that dirty girl likes me.." He word vomitted.

"Yes I'm okay and I know right I can't believe she likes you..." You replied trailing off the last bit.

"Oh so you're jealous~" He teased with a cheeky grin (😏)

"HUH WHAAAT NOOO..!" you panicked scrambling to find the right words," WHATEVER!"

You ran away more flustered than ever towards Leilani who was currently frozen literally in shock.

"GIRL!! You gagged the bitch 😛" She hyped you up whilst jumping around.

"Hoe had it coming. She's just lucky a teacher didn't catch us figh-"




Sorry for not posting in so long!! I totally forgot about this book. The next chapter will hopefully be alot longer thing time lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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