First friend

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Thunder Echoed throughout the silly skies Of Copper 9, shaking a mini mansion built on the side of a cliff. "Lalala" A little girl named Aliez sang while skipping up and down the hallways in the beautiful Mansion. "Aiie! I can't wait for mommy and daddy to bring home my new playmate!" she squealed. Not too long later, Mr. And Ms. Needson pulled up in the driveway with their fancy Tesla. "They are here!!!!" Aliez screamed. She was gonna run to them but her Butler, Bastain stopped her. "Now, now miss Aliez you cannot just run like that. Miss Needson told you to be LadyLike." He said in a stern voice. "SCREW BEING LADY LIKE DAMMIT! I'VE BEEN WAITING FORevverr." She ran past her Butler and out the front door. "MOM! DAD! IS IT HERE??" she said while bumping into the car excitedly. "Calm down Honey, It's in the trunk. Don't touch it yet! Let the butler take it out first." Miss Needson said. "Awh but he is so slow..." she whined. The Butler sighed as he lifted up the trunk and carried the worker drone out. "Hm..." He spoke. "JCJenson is really improving their products...Though it kinda looks weird..." Right at that moment the Worker Drone turned on with an angry expression. "The only thing weird here is your face! I can't believe I woke up seeing such horror." The Drone said angrily. "Aw biscuits! Look what you've done! You angered the poor guy." Mr. Needson said. "I sincerely apologize." Bastain said while shooting the Worker drone a dirty look.''But i don't understand why you got such an Angry worker drone..." He whispered to the parents.''Well Bastain, she's just gonna fill him with love! Plus he was dirt cheap considering the company is going broke thanks to A solver running loose in the system." Mr. Needson's expression began to fade after he said that. "Let's hurry inside now, before the thunder strikes us!" Ms. Needson said. Aliez grabbed the worker drone's hand. "H-Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The worker drone said uncomfortably. "Holding your hand silly! Now c'mon inside! Do you even have a name?" She said curiously. "I don't have one. . .Well maybe stupid but I don't like that name much. . ." He said. Aliez took him inside gently. "Hmm...What about Ehd? You look like one!" Aliez said. The gray sparks in his sad digital eyes lit up. "I think it sounds okay." He said with a hint of satisfaction Ehd Let's go play!" They both ran upstairs into Aliez's room. "Ok Aliez what do you like to do?" Ehd said."Awh don't start sounding like a robot." Aliez said. "But I'M a robot." Ehd rolled his eyes. "What about you? What do you like to do, Eddy?" She said." Awh don't start calling me that. "He said. "But YOU are an Eddy!" She shot back. They were both laughing. The Butler peaked inside the room and smirked. "Those two are so alike." He said to himself. TIME SKIP: 1 YEAR AND 3 MONTHS. "Ehd! Ehd! Look! We've been invited to The Gala! It's being hosted by the Elliotts themselves! I've always wanted to make friends with their daughter, but she always seemed so shy." Aliez said with joy. "Good for you, my friend! Just watch out for the guys, there's probably a lot of rich snobs all in the party." He laughed. "Well, that's why you're coming!" She said while throwing him a suit. "W-WHAT? I mean like- I don't know Aliez... They might not allow Drones in the Gala except as butlers and maids." He said while looking at his tuxedo Aliez threw him. "Awh don't worry about it! I'll get you in somehow, maybe you could dress up as a human? I mean like- you already have your dirty blond hair." She giggled. "Or I could pay extra for you to come in cause I'm so dang rich!" Her mother came into the room and heard her say that. "Sweetie, Me and your father are rich, not you. And Ehd isn't coming so don't even think about it." Ms. Needson said sternly. "Awhh but mummy! He's my only friend..." She begged. "Goodness gracious Aliza Marrain Needson! No is No! Maybe you'll make friends with real people for once!" The mother scolded. Aliez stood there sadly as the mother exited the room. "-And don't forget to wear your pearl necklace your grandmother gifted you!" She spoke.

 THUNDER AND DOWNFALLS. The room fell silent for a few minutes until Ehd said something. "Well, you'll have fun without me, right?" He spoke. Aliez fell into her bed and put her face into the pillow and after a few seconds she looked up at Ehd again with a sad expression. "I never EVER had fun without you. And I don't wanna start now...You're my best friend! my ONLY friend! And this isn't just for me, I know you've always wanted to go to the Gala too." She said with a sigh. Ehd sat down next to her on the bed. He handed Aliez her cat named Lunas- who was just a fluffy black cloud of fur. "Thanks." She spoke. Ailez and Ehd were petting the cat until her father suddenly came into the room. "Sweetie! Ehd is allowed to go! I heard from your mother, She rejected that idea way too soon. But Mr. Elliott said it's fine as long as he wears the finest clothes." Mr. Needson said with a jolly voice. He always saw Ehd as his own little son and was happy that Elliot agreed. "THANK YOU, DADDY!" They both said for some reason. It shocked Mr. Needson a ton hearing Ehd say that also. Aliez and Ehd were holding each other's hands while jumping up and down like two children who are about to go to Disneyland or something. "This is amazing Eddy! Let's Dress up fancy and work on our British accents!!!" Aliez said excitedly. TIME SKIP: 2 HOURS. Aliez and Ehd were ready for the Gala. They hopped into The Tesla and drove to the Elliots mansion. Bastain the butler parked them right by the entry. Aliez took a deep breath. "D-do I look okay?" She said nervously. "You look beautiful mi amigo! Now let's go and blow the crowd away!" He said confidently. Aliez got out of the car first, but her necklace slipped off and fell into the drain below her. "OH FRICK-" she said. "Mother and grandmother are gonna kill me Oh Nooo." She bent down to look in the drain. Ehd hopped out of the car and bent down beside her. "I could get it! Don't worry yourself Aliez, I got it! Go ahead and say Hi to Tessa for me." He spoke. "Oh Eddy... Be Careful, okay?" she said with a worried tone. "Biscuits Aliez! I said, "Don't worry!" Ehd said while signaling her to go In. While Aliez went into the Gala, Ehd opened up the drain and jumped down. Little did he know it was actually a garbage disposal ready to dispose of garbage. Not long searching in there- He could feel it start inclosing on him. "WH-WHAT THE FRICK?!" He screamed. Ehd's weak little drone arms started to climb back up, but it was no use- He tripped on the moving trash and fell down. Ehd tried to stand back up, but something crushed his leg. Grunting from the pain, Ehd crawled with his arms and pushed with the only leg he had left. Ehd could almost see the light of thunder until he spotted something that looked familiar..." ALIEZ'S NECKLACE!" He went as fast as his broken body could carry him and grabbed the necklace. "Thank g-OORWAAAAHHHH-" The disposal shot him out of another way violently and it flung him to the back of a truck. "HAHA MY TRASH CAME OUT FIRST!" A worker drone laughed. "THAT WAS SO UNFAIR! YOU PUT IN A LIGHTER ITEM! OF COURSE IT'S GONNA COME OUT FIRST." The other said angrily. "H-help!! HELP!" (COUGHING SOUNDS) "Huh. it seems like there's a drone in the garbage pile..." The worker drone said while peeking to see if that was the case. "HOLY CRAP THERE IS ONE! GET YOUR ROBOTIC ASS OVER HERE JIMMY! HELP ME OUT!" The two worker drones pulled poor Ehd out of the trash but ended up dropping him on the ground by accident. "Whoops! My bad Lol." Jimmy said. "ARGH FRICK I ALMOST D-D-D-DIED." Ehd stuttered which surprised him. He has never stuttered in his whole life. "Wait aren't you drone #9003?" The drone said. "Oh, was that what I was called before I met- SYSTEM IS SHUTTING DOWN." Ehd's screen started flashing the danger sign. "You just HAD to DROP HIM on THE FRICKING FLOOR DIDN'T YOU?" The drone yelled. While the worker drones were trying to fix Ehd something much more sinister was going on in the Gala......

BREAK A LEG! " *sigh* I wonder what's taking Ehd so long..." Aliez said worriedly. She played with her hair out of nervousness and walked around slowly. "Why, hello Little one!" A man said in the fanciest tone she ever heard. "Oh Mr. Elliott! How are you?" she said while straightening out herself. She hated being called little. "I'm very good and upbeat this shadowed afternoon. How about you Miss Needson? And where are your parents?''Mr. Elliott said in his casual, fancy voice. "They are talking with your wife Sir." She said as confidently as she could. "And where is your little friend Ehd? I thought you were going to bring him?" He said.''Oh he just went to get something, but I'm sure he'll be back very soon..."Aliez said. All she could hear was the sound of classical music playing in the main room draining away her negative thoughts. It was so peaceful, Until it went off suddenly.Aliez wasn't in the main room but she could still hear some commotion coming from it. People talking suddenly turned to screams and cries following a huge panic rushing out of the Gala. "ELLIOTT YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU SAID YOU AND YOUR MEN GOT RID OF THE SOLVER!" Mr. Needson yelled as he took cover right by Mr. Elliot. "UGH IT MUST'VE TOOK CONTROL OF ONE OF THE WORKER DRONES HERE! DAMMIT!!" Elliot cursed. "Daddy? What's going on?" Aliez said worriedly. "ALIEZ! Sweetie, You need to get out of here right n- '' In the blink of an eye a huge claw busted down the door and stabbed through Aliez's father. She was in shock and tried to get out but one of the claws grabbed Aliez and stabbed into her stomach.It dropped her to the floor as it moved to catch more prey. Aliez laid there on the shiny wooden flooring that swiftly filled with her gushing red blood. Her eyes began to close, her breathing had already stopped and the soul slowly tore away from her body. I hope Ehd finds happiness. Aliez wished softly, as her final thoughts drifted away. 

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