Chapter 6 quiver

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I was at cobra kai with demetri and Eli

Why did I you two let you talk me into this?

This goes against everything I stand for

It's like extra gym class for no reason

Shut up I said

Let's just give it a chance


You saw the fight

Miguel kicked ass

Ok, today we begin

Quiet he yelled

Why say it like that? I asked

Face front

I held Eli hand

Nice shirt


I'm joking, it sucks

Don't hold hands he said

Word of advice, if you got shit for teeth, don't smile

God, makes me feel like a virgin, just looking at you

When I look around this dojo, I don't see cobra kai material

I see losers, I see nerds

I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out

I see a girl who is not wearing a bra he said about me

But in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles

So, maybe there's some hope for you yet

But first, I need to see where you're at, so everybody, fall in

That means line up

Oh, oh, ok

No, not, not line up in a line


Get in lines

You mean like rows? I asked


Fighting positions

Jab punch

Nope, wait till I say go

I got a text

There will be no texting Ms, what's your name?


There will be no texting Danielle

How about we call you Dee he said

Dee? I said

How about that? He said

Ok I said

I grabbed my phone and saw Kenny text me

Kenny😒 where are you, dad is asking where you are?

Me♥️ I'm with Aisha working on a project

Kenny😒 well dad wants you home now

Me♥️ ok

I got home

The next day I was with demetri and Miguel

Yeah, but you can't quit

I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money

You know who lives like that? Hookers

Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy, you gotta give him a chance

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