* 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 *

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It's god damn 7.34 am and I'm running up and down in my apartment, searching for my door keys."WHERE THE HELL ARE MY GOD DAMN KEYS ?!?!'' I yell while searching in the kitchen.
I'm a really messy but also rlly organized person, sometimes my messy brain just takes over and I forget where I put stuff, actually I have an ick to have everything organized, but the bakery takes almost my whole day over so I'm just happy when I can take my shoes off and just rest.
Right now I'm so late for work, because my alarm didn't wake me up as usually and just as perfectly it could get, I can't find my keys.
I walk around my kitchen island"OH COM'ON you got to be kidding me'' I say as I see my keys hanging on my door. I run fast over, close my door and make my way out of the house. It's usually a walk about 15 mins to my bakery, since I don't live in the spotlight of NYC. Today is tuesday which means my amazing best friend Sofia comes over for movie night.

I know her since I can remember, she's my bsf since we're 3yo and no one and nothing could ever rip us apart. We grew up together and our parents dressed us literally like twins. I wouldn't lie when I say she's my sister, even my mom calls Sofia her own daughter and she's a part of our family and of my heart forever.

I enter my bakery a little bit out of breath, I literally just let a sprint behind me. I greet my two workers Jamie and Janis, they're twins haha. Jamie hands me my apron "A little bit late Chef?" She asks. "Yea sorry I couldn't find my keys and my alarm didn't wake me so I woke up later as usually." I say, still trying to catch breath. She nods and gets a coffee done for one of the costumers. I make my way to the ordering counter and take care of the queue of people.
In the morning are the most costumers, because many come here for coffee or some smaller things on hand, for their way to work. The rest of the day it's here and there some few and I get deliveries for birthday-, wedding cakes or whatever.
After the morning rush it's about 10 am and I make my way outside to clean a table, which a young couple just left.

Gosh so cute I wish I would have someone to hold on to, but I'm all alone. My parents live in Croatia, my brother is in France, my sister is in Afrika, she helps the kids and families there and it's hard to find someone as a girl in her young twenties, with no social life, that is twenty for seven just at her shop or apartment, who's also a lesbian. But at least Sofia comes over today.

As I clean the table, a young blonde woman is coming straight in my direction, in a little bit rush. I turn around w the cups on my arm and she accidentally bumps into me. Ouch. I didn't see her bc I was turned with my back to her. My head hits the ground "Ouch". "Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. I was so focused on my phone, gosh please tell me you're okay hun." She says as she helps me up. My eyes are still closed bc the sun is so bright and I mean I just kissed the ground-
"Yes I guess so, it's okay no worries" I say as I open my eyes.
She smiles at me as my mouth fells to the ground. "Everything okay?" She asks worried. "I. You- just-. Scarlett Johansson??" I barley get a word out. "Eh yes that's me" She smiles awkwardly. "And you?" Scarlett puts her hand out. "Ehm Y/N/N Lee but it's just Y/N" I smile as I shake her hand. "Gosh I made such a mess. I'll help you clean that up" She looks down. "Oh no, don't worry about that-" I try but she's already at the ground picking some stuff up. We clean it fast up and she helps me, bringing it back in the bakery. "Thank you, you rlly didn't had to help me" I go back behind the counter. "Noo really, I made the mess and so I had to help" she puts her hands in her pockets. "So ehm you wanna get something or?" I smile at her. "Oh yes, is this your bakery?" Scarlett asks as she turns around. "Yes I made this all by myself, I have it for quite 4 years now" I explain to her. "It's really pretty, so I would take a coffee and chocolate chip cookie to go please" She smiles at me. "Coffee and cookie coming right up and thank you" I say as I put it in the register. She slides her card thru the reader. "Jamie 010" I say. 010 is the number of a normal coffee in my bakery. "Okay, be ready in just a sec boss" Jamie says as she gets the coffee started. 2 mins later I bring Scarlett's order to the picking up counter. "Here you go Ms. Johansson" "Oh it's Scarlett hun and thank you. It was nice to meet you Y/N" Scarlett smiles as she makes her way to the door. "It was nice meeting you too Scarlett" she waves at me and is the next second out of my view. "WHAT THE HECK?!" Janis yells from back of the kitchen window. "WHAT?" I turn around. "WHAT WHAT?? THAT WAS FUCKING SCARLETT J.O.H.A.N.S.S.O.O.N" "GOSH CALM DOWN and yes it was her YOU MAKE ME EVEN MORE NERVOUS" I go behind the kitchen counter to him. "But please don't post anything now, she's also just a human and wants privacy" "Yes yes don't worry you red tomato" He rolls his eyes at me. "Wdym? Red tomato??" I ask confused. "Girl you're red as a baboon ass. When she said Y/N omg I thought you'll melt till down the ground" He says. "EXUSE YOU??" My eyes open wide. "Take that back Janis Oliver López" I take a bunch of flour in my hand. "Okay okay, but send me a card for your wedding" He runs after this sentence. "YOU BITCH" I still get to throw the flour on him.
But wait did I fr blushed?? I mean it was all so quick I was just nervous asf and just- THAT WAS SCARLETT. Well she's hot ngl but she didn't even knew I exits till today and will probably forget it in less than 6 hours....

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A/N: I hope y'all like the first part and will continue reading when the next part will come online, hopefully soon. So bye bye have a great morning, day, afternoon, night wherever you are <3

Written: 23.04.24
Published: 24.04.24

Words 1208


Strawberry cake : Strawberry cake is a cake that uses strawberries as a primary ingredient. Strawberries may be used in the cake batter, atop of the cake and in the frosting.

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