1- The Start

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A gigantic ghost blocked the road with its immense foot. His abominable appearance with his red eyes and long dirty brown hair. He spat out a ray of water, it heading straight towards the car of the company of The house of the heart...

In the car...

A tall grey and black haired woman with beautiful black and red eyes was driving, beside her a girl with grey hair, purple eyes and cat ears was shouting to her twin brother.

The twin brother shouting at her, he have the same hair as his twin sister and smiles even when he's fighting. The twins are eighteen years old, the adult woman, thirty six. Behind the brother, there's a blonde haired boy with blue eyes, freckles and small glasses almost falling from his nose. He's barely 16.

The blonde haired boy put his glasses back on. "Father, the ghost is trying to kill us!!" He say, almost shouting.

"I know Freminet!!" The woman look at her adopted son in the rearview mirror.

"Lynette no we shoukd go back to the ghost!" The twin brother says.

The girl look at her twin and sighs. "No. We could get killed."

The youngest in the car look at her, then say. "Maybe, but i have a ghost to hunt"

He takes his laser and open the door of the car. Then he shoot on the ghost and lock it into the laser. He then smile and look at the angry face of his father.

Time skip: 5:30 P.M

The officer looks at the family standing in front of him. He's a black haired man with a scar on his face and his hair looks like a wolf.

"Two buildings... Two f-cking buildings! Only for a normal ghost! Are you serious really?"

He stare at the youngest boy who looks annoyed.

"How old are you, Freminet..? I think its your name..."

The blonde look up at him, shocked.

"Yes, its my name and im... 16 years old.."

The officer look at the father, disappointed.

"You're letting minors get in your agency, Arlecchino? I thought you were better than that..."

The woman gets up from her sit and speak clearly.

"Freminet is more smart than anyone i know, he's the most talented of us all!"

The officer look at the family and sighs.

"Freminet, you won't continue this job until you're major. Now bye."

The freckled boy suddenly shouts

"You can't do that. That's unfair!"


When the black haired men shouted this, everyone froze.

Then the door of the office open and a white and blue haired boy enters, with his beautiful eyes and his judge clothes.

The family gets up, salute the officer and
get out.

On the way back, everyone is quiet unril Freminet says "Father, i can still continue the job, right?"

Arlecchino sighs, then look at her son.

"You can't."

Back at their house, Freminet locks himself in his room. And his family give up about talking to him tonight.

While Arlecchino, Lyney and Lynette are eating, the freckled boy gets oit of his room by its window with a small bag in which there's chess pieces.

He go to the nearest park and sit on one of the chairs, then puts the chess pieces in the right place. He put the pawn who's on B2 to C3.

Then an opposing pawn moves from G7 to H5. But it moves itself.

Freminet gasps and ask who it is. No response, so he continue the game. The pawn from A2 to B3. Then another piece moves with nobody moving it. Curious, Freminet plays again. And again. And again until...


A boy his age appears, he have brown and red hair with golden eyes and a piercing over one of his eyebrows. He smiles and look at the blonde haired boy.

Freminet notices that the young boy is a little bit transparent, so he guesses that its a ghost. But, he thinks he is pretty.

The blonde boy is curious and speak to the ghost, "Who are you...?"

"My name's Gaming! And you?"


The ghost smile at the human, "Nice name! How old are you?"

The freckled boy smiles back a little, "Im sixteen, you?"

"I was sixteen too... When i died... You wanna know how i died?"

The ghost hunter says yes and the ghost starts yapping happily about his death.

"So i was dancing, Wushou dance you know?" The other boy disagree "Ah... Not a big deal. Anyways well i was dancing and i heard a woman screaming, i looked where she was and she was drowning. So i jumped in the water and helped her, but a giant fish swallowed me whole in his mouth! I tried to get out but couldn't!"

The deceased laugh again then continue, "I waited a whole week and well i died in his stomach then woke up as a ghost and I went for a walk like it was normal!"

The human feels bad for him, put a hand on his shoulder then realise...

"How can i touch you?! Your a ghost and i'm a human!" The blonde says while the other boy smiles even more "I don't know myself!"

The ghost seems happy and then says to Freminet to close his eyes.

The human close his eyes and when he open them, Gaming is gone. He looks at his neck and see a necklace with a lion on it. Its Gaming's.


This literally took me a few hours to write that omgg. Anyways have you recognised what movie this story is heavily inspired??


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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My precious ghost •  Gaminet / Lionfish Where stories live. Discover now