Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Okay, I give. What's up with you these days?" Ruby asked as they prepped the diner for the dinner rush.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine," she said, snapping out of her daze.

"You're clearly lying. Considering you've been wiping the same spot on the counter for the last twenty minutes while staring off into space. There is clearly something on your mind."

"It's...nothing..." she said, shifting to a different spot on the counter.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" Ruby asked, pulling her away from her task so she could look at her in the face as they talked.

"I know, Ruby. Thank you." She took a deep breath, steeling herself before she dropped some news onto her friend. "I started remembering things...a little flash at first, then the flash got a little longer..." She reached for her shell necklace, twirling it around in her fingers for comfort.

"That's AMAZING!" Ruby explained, pulling her friend into a tight hug.

"I wouldn't start celebrating just yet. I haven't remembered anything else in months. Not since before winter. I think I'm right back to where I started." She sighed, disappointment in her voice.

"You haven't been to the beach in a while, have you?" Ruby asked, sensing her friend's frustration.

"No. It's too cold," she said, releasing a long sigh. "Winter always sucks for me."

"You know what, why don't you get out of here early. It's slow. I can handle the rest of the afternoon before the night shift comes in," Ruby said with a smile, snatching the rag from her hand. "The snow has melted and it's a nice warm day. Go to the beach. I'll cover for you if Killian calls."

"Really?" she asked, her face lighting up.

"Absolutely. I don't know if I'll ever understand your obsession with the ocean, but I know it's your happy place. Now get out of here before I change my mind." Ruby laughed, nudging her toward the door. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the diner, running as fast as she could toward the beach.

It had been over three months since she felt the sand between her toes. Three months since she heard the ocean's waves crashing against the shore. Three long months since she felt the ocean's breeze against her skin and in her hair. Three very long months since she was in her happy place. She threw off her shoes as soon as she could, closing her eyes as she felt the cool sand on her feet. She instantly started to feel better, just being near the water. She sat down in the cool sand and pulled out her well worn journal and flipped to the next page.

Greetings to my paper bestie.

I'm coming to you live from my favorite place on earth, the beach! It's been months since I've felt the sand under my feet and the wind on my skin. I hate the winter because of that. All fishing and dock work stops once it begins to snow, so I lose my happy place for a few months. Killian loves it when I can't go to the beach. I still haven't figured out why he is so against me being close to the water. He runs an independent fishing company, for christ sake. Thank god for Ruby and Granny for letting me work at the diner in the winter, so I can get away from Killian during the day and make some money in the process. It's bad enough I have to be away from the water for months, but if I had to deal with him all day every day, I would lose what little mind I had left.

Speaking of mind, it doesn't seem to want to behave again. I haven't recovered a single memory since the last one. Since I dreamt of my shell necklace. Since I dreamt of someone with soft hands tying it around my neck, making sure it was securely tied in place to make sure I don't lose it. And to add insult to injury, although my dream hasn't changed in the last three months, I've had it every night since. Every night I dream of being pulled onto the beach by an unknown person, who stops for a second before securing my shell around my neck. Then I wake up gasping for breath, with my heart pounding so hard I think it might explode out of my chest.

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