Our rights are being threatened! Our body our choice!A little girl
Only 8 years old
Wants to wash the handprints
Off her body
She was dressed in a oversized tee and jeans
Nothing that would distract
But still she was misled
Lead to belive this boy really loved her
But he wanted to hurt herWhy should the government have a say
On what women can do with their body
They say she asked for it
Just because I don't have a dick
Doesn't mean I can't have a say on my body
She was just 8 when she was assulted
Red handprints on her bodySame girl
At 18
Freshman in college met a boy
Who she thought was right for her
But he led her to the bathroom
Stripped her of her clothes and told her
"If you make a sound I'll make it hurt"
Ended up pregnant at only 18
Called a slut but it wasn't her faultWhy should the government have a say
On what women can do with their body
They say she asked for it
Just because I don't have a dick
Doesn't mean I can't have a say on my body
She was just 18 when she was assulted
Red handprints on her bodyThey care more about banning tiktok
Than protecting womens rights
Banning ways for the girl to be saved
Is going backwards instead of forward
Millions of women every year
Fight for the right to keep them clean
But all they care about is keeping
Men in power
(My body my choice!)Why should the government have a say
On what women can do with their body
They say she asked for it
Just because I don't have a dick
Doesn't mean I can't have a say on my body
She was just 8 when she was assulted
Red handprints on her body
Millions of girls like her
Just because oh oh
Red handprints on her body