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Virat mom and mahi's parents came to the hotel and met chinnu

They adore her a lot

At night in virat mahi's room

Virat came out of the washroom and saw mahi as lost in his thoughts

Virat: what sir? What are you thinking saying he sat beside mahi

Mahi: about chinnu

Virat made a confused face

Virat: what is there need to think she is with mama right

Mahi: hmm

Virat: do you want me to bring her here

Mahi: what? No.. It is just.. You know na how cranky she will act sometimes

Virat:don't worry mom will take care of her

Mahi: that is also true even though she has experienced you who is more cazier than chinnu

Virat: yes you are.. What ? What did you say?

Mahi couldn't control he laughed loudly by seeing the virat face expression

Virat pushed him on the bed

Today I will show you who is crazy

Mahi: virat what are you doing?

Virat didn't say anything just leaned towards

Before he kissed his lips mahi covered his lips with palm

Mahi: not now virat

Virat signed and fell beside mahi

Virat: always a mood spoiler

Mahi rolled his eyes and both slept in each other's arms

Virat is the one who woke up first and saw a beautiful view in front of him

Mahi sleeping snuggling in his arms

Virat chuckled and kissed his forehead adjusted mahi's sleep and went to fresh up

After fresh up he started to wake up mahi
Before he tried to wake him up someone knocked the door

Virat opened door

You woke up?

Virat: just now mom

Virat mom: oh okay
Give chinnu to mahi i think she already started missing mahi

With that virat mom gave chinnu virat and went from there

Virat: aww... Chinnu why always miss your papa not your daddy

Don't be jealous of me...

Virat: why am I jealous of my cutie pies

Mahi: okay okay give me chinnu to me

Virat handed her gently to mahi

Mahi cooed chinnu softly

Virat: now go and fresh up I will take care of her

Mahi nodded and went to freshen up

After they both went to breakfast

Viratt... Sudden voice startles all of them

Virat: hii...

Virat went and hugged that person tightly

Mahi: who is that lady?

Yuvi smiled mischievously to that sentence

Yuvi: aww you don't know right she is best best friend of virat

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