{[ Prologue ]}

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1918 — 1924.

The end of the First World War was a happy time period for many, but also the start of suffering with economic decline and unemployment. The Great Depression is around and everyone is recovering.

Early after the war, the Beautiful Grand Duchess Olga married Konstantin, and they seemed as happy as can be. Olga becoming Princess Konstantin of Russia; remaining in Russia as she wished. Olga became even more beautiful.

Tatiana was next off to be married, as was not a surprise when she soon married Alexander of Yugoslavia. She was then instantly promoted to the Queen Consort straight after marriage. She remained her usual beautiful self and still was obsessed with fashion.

The next one to get married was Maria. Maria was a bit of a hopeless romantic but she soon fell in love with Louis; who already had his eyes on her. They got married in 1922, Maria had her hair grown out again.

And the last one to get Married off, was Anastasia. Anastasia was a difficult one.

Anastasia was short and inclined to be chubby, and she had blue eyes and blonde hair. Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden, her mother's lady-in-waiting, reflected that "her features were regular and finely cut. She had fair hair, fine eyes, with impish laughter in their depths, and dark eyebrows that nearly met." Buxhoeveden believed that Anastasia resembled her mother, saying that she "was more like her mother's than her father's family." But that was when she was younger.

As a young woman, Anastasia became very attractive. "Her round features have become more sharp and defined and she has lost fat." Buxhoevden stated. The Grand Duchess bore the resemblances of her mother even more, and it was shown even more too when she had let her hair down, it flowed down her shoulders.

Everyone. Wanted. Her. And at first she was to marry Edward of Wales. She refused and yelled, she then packed her stuff and left. She ended up in Belgium where she met Leopold III, soon they fell in love and got married.

Irina, Anastasia's cousin, heard of it and visited. Anastasia was half expecting a yelling at but she only got support, Felix and Dmitri were there too as they congratulated her for getting away from her family.

They also knew Leopold so they all talked. Irina looked over to her cousin Anastasia, "Cousin, why did you leave your family?"

Irina was never one to critique her cousin, she would of course criticise Felix, her husband, but they were married and it was more normal to do that.

She had once said to her husband Felix, "Thanks for your insane letter. I didn't understand the half of it."

Anastasia had a weary feeling and an uncertainty if she could trust her or not. Anastasia had changed, she was no longer a Vivacious child like she was in 1918, no.. it was 1924 and she was a 23 year old woman. No longer hyperactive, but perhaps her children will be.

"They wanted me to marry The King of England's son Edward." She sighed. Irina made a choking sound, "What! But he's like 7 years older than you! He's basically as old as your sister!" Irina was surprisingly on Anastasia's side.

"Exactly." Anastasia agreed with a firm nod. "They wouldn't let me back out so I ran off and ended up meeting Leopold. And we are here today, of course after a lot of talking."

Irina made an 'o' shape with her mouth and she nodded. "Yeah. Leopold seems nice, and totally the opposite of little you." She teased as Anastasia rolled her eyes.

She playfully slapped Irina. "Iri!" She grinned as the two smiled at each other. "How does the family take the news?" Anastasia asked with a new found intrigue in her family.

"Olga is happy for you, as is Konstantin. Tatiana, the last I heard of her, was rambling to her mother. Maria is also glad and happy for you, Louis agrees and he says you deserve to be happy." Irina nodded.

"Why is Tatiana rambling to the Tsar and Tsarina." It was probably weird for Irina to hear Anastasia not call her parents Mama and Papa, but she took a deep breath. "Your father. He was happy for you, he was overjoyed for you. Your mother was disapproving, she wanted you to marry Edward, and Tatiana did too." Irina nodded.

Anastasia sighed. "Why can't they just let me live my life?" Anastasia sighed. "Wait. What about Alyosha?"

Irina smiled as she nodded behind her, Anastasia whipped her head around and saw Alexei. He was with Ileana of Romania. They caught each other's eyes and Alexei and Ileana came forward. "Long time no see, Nastyona. Hope you're doing well with Leopold."

Alexei and Anastasia embraced each other and Ileana was embraced too. "Ileana, you're so grown up. How old are you?"

Ileana grinned, "15, Anastasia Nikolaevna. Or should I say, Anastasia, Duchess of Brabant." Ileana joked.

"And soon it will be Ileana Of Russia. Elena Feodorovna." Anastasia joked in return, and Ileana went a shade of bright red. Alexei looked red too.

"Make sure to invite me." Anastasia winked as she walked away. Alexei was about to open his mouth, "I'll invite you to mine! And my kids birth!" She yelled.

Alexei shut his mouth as a smile etched on his face. "BYE NASTYA!" He yelled back.

Anastasia and Alexei got married. Alexei was the only family member of the Russian Royals to attend. He was only one invited actually, Ileana came with of course.

It was very happy, and for once Anastasia felt accepted for being who she was, and now she could marry who she wanted. And she married Leopold, it was like her mother who turned down Victor for Nicholas instead.

She didn't care about how anyone felt, Alexei was happy, Ileana was happy, Leopold was happy, she was happy.

What else could she need in life other than Leopold and God?

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