Tips and side effects

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Hi we will start off by talking about tips

A lot of people try to not touch water at all even if they're alone because they are scared of such a change but you should be in water when you are only or with people that know you are a mermaid but I will say the more time you are in water the more you will want to be in water and a bad thing in that if you're swimming in a pool it can dry you're hair and skin because of chlorine so be careful with that and other tip I can give is

Always have a rag or something to dry off with

If you're spell had something to do with a crystal always have it with you so hunters can't use it against you

Research about mermaids but be careful because not all the information is true

Keep a piece of paper with you at all time because let's say there is someone you think can be a hunter you should write it down especially if you're like me and don't have a good memory

Always keep at least one moon jewelry for example I have a moon ring how you make it a moon ring or any other kind of jewelry is you get a bowl of water and then leave it outside when there's a full moon and then when there's another full moon leave the same bowl of water outside with you're jewelry and then it is a moon jewelry

I don't really have any other things but some things i keep with me are a moon ring and moon bracelet  some money my crystal a rag some  fidgets Chapstick lip gloss a mini notebook and a pencil

But that's all for tips now on to side effects

Dry hair(if you're in a pool)

Dry skin(if you're in a pool)

You're eyes might hurt(from chlorine and chemicals in the pool if you're going in the pool)

Becoming super thirsty

Might start craving seafood or hating it

Might become more adventurous or curious

Might be wanting to sing more

And more that I might discuss another time

That's all I might upload again today but I don't know we will see anyways bye!

Word count: 384

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