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Felir bore witness to mountains taking flight, comets scraping oceans and life fluttering out of its bounds like a newborn butterfly free from its cocoon. He hadn't even begun to crack open the egg of his secluded life when his dreams finally took an unnatural shape. Felir would witness much more than the impossible, and he wouldn't see it with his eyes open but we'll start on an Earth before these events. A young man, Felir, fifteen, tall, with a physique built like his father and his father's father before him, generations of men that made their living atop a mountain with many peaks and he was still growing. This man believes in Dragons, and every fairytale story his mother, Levina, ever told him in the hope that he'd fall asleep. Levina was not aware of the impact these stories had on his imagination, and what influence his gifted mind would have on the world that would be heaved atop his and their families shoulders.

Most every night was spent dreaming of what the creatures and lands in the stories Levina told him, might look like, trying his best to piece together the details she added. The lands that were described, the cultures and traditions, he is familiar with most, thanks to his mother. Most nights Fel wakes from a heavy sweat, having scared himself awake after dreaming of creatures, environments and the weather that encapsulated the area's he had never seen, felt or heard but could vividly picture. Lightning storms sprawling the skies, forking over and only ever striking the most imposing peaks that dared to scrape the cosmos blanket that wrapped around this world. Trees larger than entire homes and tall enough to sway like wheat in the violent winds. The sun peeks through the cover of these imposing trees, reaching the flower beds deep beneath, striking water wherever it pools, as if seeking it out. Critters gather in their burrows and scamper across the thick bark of the trees, and dig into the dirt of the wild garden beds. Deer hurdle through the landscape as they attempt to escape from predators. Bears fatten in their caves preparing for hibernation. Wolves softly tread as they hunt. Dreams are Felir's gateways to understanding his imagination and the questions he had.

Waking from a deep sleep, it was a warm summer morning, before the dew had even slipped off the leaves, Felir's body trembled as if still experiencing the dream. Quickly jotting the contents of it in his large, worn journal. It had to be re-stitched often, to house more paper despite writing only the best dreams in the journal. This one was a marvel. He'd ridden a dragon, the size of a small mountain, high above the clouds with the wind in his hair, gusts strong enough to send him tumbling onto his back, but he rode the wind well. He had imagined being a dragon rider before, but this was different, the dragon's size alone made it more special. He looked back into the dragon's eyes, clear with the sun being reflected, almost blindingly so. He could feel the dragon's movements in his bones, and as the dragon began to turn to its side, Fel experienced a violent crash and his dream ended.

He found himself on the floor. He'd fallen off his bed in his unconscious excitement and paid it no mind as he grabbed his journal. His mother Levina wandered into the room, expecting to find her son wide awake. Sure enough, she opened the door to see him and his coveted ragged journal. Levina ushered him back to bed, the roosters in the neighbour's coop had yet to crow but he continued, sparing a moment to look out his window to see the vast sky of stars that sparkled, surrounded by an aurora of colour. Below the cosmic blanket he could see the tree line behind his village, quiet and quaint. Homes spread far, like too little butter stretched over too much bread, enough farmland and wooded forest to justify such a scarce looking townage but this wasn't an indicator of how well off the people in this area were however, it was more a side effect of having too much to do themselves. The town atop a mountain, between its many peaks, that his family and many others live in seems to produce nothing but sturdy, in all its forms. It wasn't far from civilization but too treacherous a journey for it to be worthwhile to a blossoming Kingdom.

"Mom, my dream. This time I was a dragon rider again, except the dragon was huge. Large as a mountain, its eyes were like the sun. We were way up above the clouds where the wind almost sent me tumbling." the young man said with a distracted, almost melancholic tone.

WIP Title - The Consequences of Dreaming with DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now