These Are Just Notes For Now Yk ?

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"Castiel, what do you think you're doing ?" Sam asked from across the table in the diner. He was doing an essay for his college English class. And the angel was speculating again. His fascination with humans was terrible, but he couldn't help it.
For a few weeks now, he'd been enamored with this one in particular. Dean.
The man was like a god. Well, not in a literal sense. But, you get what he was throwing. At least he hoped you did. He wasn't crazy for staring. Gawking. He was in awe afterall.
"I'm just . . I don't know." He turned back around to sit properly in his seat.
"Is it him again ?" Castiel rested his head in his palm and gazed out the window. Said man of topic was eating to his heart's content on a burger. And cheesy fries. And maybe a milkshake. Castiel didn't care. He wasn't worried about food.
He just wanted to gaze at the man. With his red flannel, sleeves rolled up, brown leather jacket, and boots. He hadn't shaven in a hot second, but Castiel didn't mind. 
"Tell me you're not thinking about doing something stupid." Sammy grumbled. Eyes stuck on his computer screen. Castiel rolled his eyes. "I'm not." Sam looked up at him. Castiel gave his habitable squint. "It's not a stupid idea. I'm just gonna follow . . him home." He whispered the last part. It had sounded ridiculous out loud. He gulped. Sam groaned, going back to his work. "You know what? Do it. What do I know about laws against B and E's and stalking, right ?" He was majoring for law school. He did know a thing or two.
Castiel shrugged him off and began to daydream about how he'd stalk the handsome man from within the shadows. Keep quiet. And find a way in. Then happily gaze at him while he slept. He'd match his breath with Dean's. Maybe even go through his belongings. Or lye with the man.
He shifted in his seat. He wished to do more than lye with him. But he wouldn't. He didn't want to make Dean known of his presence. Not yet. He couldn't. Dean wouldn't understand. He just liked him. That's all.
"If the cops show up at my dorm, I'm pleading the fifth and I'm not standing up for you in court." Sam was serious. He felt he could grasp the understanding of Castiel's nature but he didn't want him in jail. Obviously.
Castiel waved him off. "He's leaving. Do I follow him? No, that'd be weird."
"Just go." Samuel replied curtly. 

He grinned wide and got up. Without excusing himself. Leaving Sam to pay for the bill. He'd ordered and not eaten. Sam looked to the heavens and sighed.

Castiel made sure to keep his distance, squinting when he thought he couldn't see Dean for less than a second.
The man was so blissfully unaware and it made things a lot easier for Castiel.

When they arrived at the motel, Dean unlocked and opened his door. When he closed it, Castiel stepped out from behind the huge sign. He gave it some thought on how to get in, but chose the easiest way in. He was going to open the door and walk in. Plain and simple.

He knew to wait at least a few minutes to make sure Dean was really sleeping.
Castiel quickly walked across the parking lot, glancing from side to side. He didn't need any witnesses.

His hand reached for the knob and he turned. The door slid open a bit. He peeked inside. All the lights were off and it seemed as if Dean was asleep. He sucked in a deep breath and stepped inside. He closed the door as quietly as he could behind him and went to turn. That's when somebody shoved him. He hit the wall and groaned. His hands had taken the hit, stopping his whole body from getting bruised from the blow.
"Why're you following me?" A voice demanded. The man's grip tightened on his coat's collar. Oh dear.
"I-I'm not. I swear, this is the wrong room. Our keys got messed up, I think."
"Don't you lie to me. I saw you at the diner. Staring at me."
Castiel swallowed hard. Fuck.
"Alright, alright! Let me go. I'll tell you." He pleaded. Dean shoved him again but stepped back. Wielding a knife.
Castiel put his hands up in surrender. When he had his bearings and had turned to face Dean; his mouth dried.
He looked hot. All angry and serious. Stoic. Castiel's mouth opened. But no words came out. He wanted this man. He needed him. Something snapped in that thick head of his.

And Castiel lunged toward him. Dean hadn't seen it coming and they fell against the table. Things clattered and fell to the ground. Something shattered. A light ? He didn't care. What he cared about was the man he was fighting.

"Get off me." Dean said, wrestling the stranger. "No!" Castiel shouted and shoved the man back repeatedly. His head hit the table a few times too many and his vision began to blur. No. "You bast-" His words slurred and the lights went out. Castiel kept him upright. "I'm so sorry." He murmured.

When Dean awoke, he was tied with his hands behind his back. Ankles together too. He was sitting upright on the end of the bed. Struggling against his restraints.
"Oh, are those too tight?" Called a voice he came to despise. Castiel came out of the bathroom with a frown. His brows creased in a sad way. He walked over and checked the knots. "No, they seem fine." He dismissed it.
"Who the fuck are you?" Dean spat. Castiel's eyes squinted. As if he thought Dean should know already. "I'm Castiel." He leaned closer to the man. "And you're Dean." He stated. Dean gulped. How did he?  

"I like you, Dean. I've been watching you. Over you, really. Like an Angel." He explained, giving a nod as if he was serious. "You're kidding?" Dean replied sarcastically. Castiel shook his head. "No, Dean, baby." He gripped the man's chin gently and upturned his head. "You need me. I've been protecting you. You need me." He repeated.

Dean tore his head away but Castiel grasped onto his face. "Look at me, Dean!" The man's face twisted in horror. "Oh no, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, baby." He whispered and pouted his lip. Dean scowled at him.
Then a shit-grin appeared on his face. He shook his head slightly. Castiel rose a brow. "Something amusing, Dean?" The man shrugged. "Nothing, other than the fact that you're crazy."
Castiel bent down, staring into Dean's eyes, and straddled his lap. Not sensually. Just as a means of not standing.
"Oh no, Dean. I'm practical. You're going to love me. You are meant for me." He said, nodding again to make his point known.
Dean snorted. "I'm going to fucking what!? You know what, you're out of your mind. Get off me!" He shouted and beckoned the man to get up with his head. Hands still tied behind his back. Castiel laughed. And cupped the man's face. His smile genuine.
"Now don't be difficult, Dean. Oh baby, I'll make you love me one way or another."
"Stop calling me that." Dean had to think quick. He shifted in his spot. Castiel frowned. "Why?"
"Because then I have nothing to call you." Castiel's heart fluttered. Finally.
"Don't worry, Dean, I don't care what you call me."
"Whatever you say, baby." The words fell off his tongue like acid. What was he doing? He was getting out of this mess, that's what. "I want to hold you." He whispered sweetly into Castiel's ear. The Angel sat back. "You're not going to run are you? I'll find you." He teased. Kind of. Not really.
Dean shook his head. "Don't want to leave now." He replied. Castiel nodded, and sat closer to Dean, to untie the knots. When his arms were free, he wrapped them around Castiel. Who obliged with the affection accordingly. He smiled again. And rested his arms around Dean's neck.
Dean looked up at him with round, puppy eyes. "Cas?" He whispered.
Castiel gazed down at him. "Yes, Dean?"

"Kiss me."

holy moly that took a minute
no worries, there'll be more
I kinda actually like this more than I thought I would
and the title ? kicking my feet and giggling
I'm ready to start writing more
you can bet on that fr
but these notes are down for now, so I bid you adieu
bye my lovies
mwah <3

-1439 words

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