The Mystery Boy

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The next morning, Douxie woke up mentally exhausted from the night before. He was an emotional wreck the whole night, but luckily he had his friends to cheer him up.

"Bloody belroths, what a night." Douxie said rubbing his eyes before grabbing his phone to check the time. "It's almost noon?! Crap! I'm going to be late!"

With that said, Douxie got dressed and rushed out the door as fast as he could. Luckily he was able to meet up with his friends pretty quickly.

"We'll look who finally decided to show up." Jim said as he crossed his arms. "You're late you know."

"A wizard is never late, James Lake. Nor is he early." Douxie said with a playful smirk on his face. "He arrives precisely when he intends to."

"Ha ha, very funny." Jim said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "Seems you're in a better mood."

"Yeah, I just needed some rest is all." Douxie said with a sigh. "But in all seriousness, I'm sorry I'm late."

"Its okay, Doux." Claire said honestly. "We kind of excepted it."

"So, let's get onto that patrol, shall we?" Douxie said as his friends nodded and they walked off.

After a while of patrolling the town, the friends were getting bored as everything seemed normal for the most part.

"Wow, it's actually really quiet tonight." Douxie said honestly. "Surprising for Arcadia."

"Well don't jinx it. But you do have a point, Doux." Claire said, giving Douxie a playful punch on arm before getting a serious look on her face. "We've been out here a while and nothing has happened. I think it's time we leave."

"No way, absolutely not." Jim said seriously. "We have to be on alert no matter what."

"But we've defeated all the threats to the town." Douxie said. "I think you just have to accept that Arcadia. . .doesn't need our protection anymore."

The three of them sighed in disappointment as they finally excepted the truth. Arcadia Oaks was no longer in need of protection since no new bad guys have shown there face.

"Maybe you're right." Jim sighed. "Let's head back home."

The friends started to head back before Douxie suddenly had a strange feeling. "Uh, do you guys feel that?" He asked.

"Feel what?" Claire asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I feel a strange magical energy." Douxie explained. "But, it's not like any magic I felt before."

"I could be a villain! Let's check it out!" Jim said hopefully. "Doux, lead the way."

Douxie gave a small nod before leading the others to where he felt the strange energy. When they got there they saw a teenage boy with black hair with aqua blue ends, blue eyes, and was wearing a white shirt, jean jacket, gray pants, and shoes with a graphic design on them. With him was a little bluish green snake creature.

It was hard to see details, but the boy didn't seem to be in great shape as he was lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.

"Ah, thank goodness people are here to help!" The snake creature said as he flew over to the trio. "Please, you guys need to help my friend!"

"Woah, let's back up a bit." Douxie said. "First of all, you must be where the magical energy I was sensing came from."

"Oh, right, my name is Sass and I am a kwami. I give people super powers." The creature known as Sass explained very quickly. "Normally, I wouldn't be doing this but I have no choice."

"Okay, so what's going on?" Claire asked in concern.

"It's my friend, he's hurt." Sass said as he lead the others towards the boy. "We're not sure what happened but he's barely staying conscious."

Douxie was the first one to make it to the boy with Jim and Claire following shortly behind. That's when he noticed that the boy was in rough shape. "Bloody hell." Was all he was able to say as he knelt down to check the boy's condition. "He's still breathing but we need to get him out of here."

"Already ahead of you." Claire said seriously as she created a shadow portal while Jim and Douxie helped the boy up and walked him over to the portal.

"Is this even safe?" Jim asked.

"It's the fastest way to get him back to the bookshop." Douxie explained, but Claire just raised an eyebrow. "It'll be fine I'm sure of it. Let's just get going."

Without another word, the five of them walked through the portal to the Arcane Book store to help this mysterious boy. It was this moment that both the boy and Douxie's life would change.

To be continued. . .

Tales of Arcadia belongs to DreamWorks

Miraculous ladybug belongs to Disney

All rights reserved

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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