Diary of a Tsundere Househusband #2

291 11 24

13/9/24: Changed some few things... Especially this Y/N's past.

Oh no, no, no

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Oh no, no, no. Why don't you just get out of here and remove your filthy asses from Indonesia.

We accept difference, not mental illness- or, in simple words: Kami menerima perbedaan ras, agama dan kulit.. Bukan penyimpangan jiwa nan mental.

Take your satanic bbq+con-tan symbols back to where it belongs, and get the fuck out of my homeland.

Barely tolerating their presence outside of Indonesia is one thing, knowing my own favorite game companies support that kind of thing is another, but a singular entity of those things in Indonesia is unacceptable, and beyond mercy.

IDGAF if you hate or scorn my stance, unfollow if you want, I sure as hell continue staying faithful to Islam values and Pancasila teachings instead of western norms.


"What's up Aster. You're online again?!" One of the Moderators asked when he has logged on into the Discord server and saw a familiar name having green ping, the moderator chuckling humorously to his friends who also recognized Y/N.

Mod #1: So, how will it be today? 20 games losing streak before being demoted to Gold?

Mod #2: Two-thousand Yen says that he will be trolled again.

Mod #1: Crank that number for me, I'll say he gonn' meet a ranged top.

Mod #3: fifty. He's gonna met Vayne top.

Mod #2: Yama, you say that all the time in every bet we all made, and he never, EVER met any Vayne in any match.. At all, not even norms.

Mod/Yama: This time, I'm sure of it! I can feel it coming inside me!

Mod #1: The day your prediction came true is the day Y/N quits playing LoL, goes out, finally touch grass and got married into a harem.

Mod #2: Which is like... Never! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!



"Oh shut it, I'm not in the mood today you guys. Leave me alone." Typed Y/N, the moderators then bid themselves as they then return back to their earlier activities.

"Here goes..." Y/N grinned as he cracked his knuckles and turned his head from side to side before creating a rank lobby and queuing up.

...where he was assigned to the Jungle role on the second slot.

"What the...!?" Y/N sputtered in disbelief, a tick mark on his forehead as he looked at the role he was assigned to even though he had set his desired roles to mid and bot.

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