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­I was so excited as we were setting my new phone. It was one of the first things I got to keep for MYSELF. Louis was very helpful and told me every single trick or hack to the apple iPhone he knew of. He smiled so beautifully, so genuinely, whereas Arielle was just a player. I feel bad for him.

"Attention passengers, we are now boarding plane 528, First Class and Zone 4. I repeat, First Class and Zone 4 only. Thank You." The PA intercom ended crackling. It must be pretty old, but still very loud.

"Okay guys, are we going to get going or still sit here?" Ari was so annoying. Well, she was obviously annoyed that I was talking to Louis, when it should have been her. I mean, if she is so into Louis, then why not just break up with her current boyfriend, Jason? Makes sense right?

"Hey um Aishwarya [he pronounced it so very wrong], can I just call you Ash? Because it's kinda hard to say your name." I was elated that he was actually making an effort to talk to me and a great effort NOT to talk to Ari.

"Of course. I don't mind at all." Okay, Ari was giving me the disgusted look. It was disgusting because her face was poofy and red and her nose flaring. Even her boyfriend looked concerned, and that was a rare occasion.

We boarded the plane and apparently we get to sit in first class! When my family flew from India to England, our seats were in Economy. Once again, we weren't into indulging in our money, it just felt unnecessary. After reaching the entrance of the plane, a flight attendant greeted us, then we moved onto finding our seats. Zain and I sat down in our seats, they were right next to each other. I sat in the middle, Zain to my right and then a random person to my left. Sadly, Louis had to sit next to his sister and Jason. Oh my goodness, did I mention that Ari had to sit alone?? It was hilarious! She is such an open book when it comes to controlling her anger. Honestly, she should improve on that, since most of the time she is angry.

"Hey Zain, ya wanna sit next to my sister here?" Louis shouted across the seat, as he leaned and obviously making the random guy next to my very annoyed and uncomfortable. Louis seemed to be enjoying all the negative and confused attention he was getting from the seats around us, including the flight attendant. Unfortunately, I found that amusing and softly giggled; causing my brother to glance at me and smirk. "Just wondering because she looks bored, and I figured if you came here, you and her would enjoy each others' company," Louis said again, winking and smirking at my brother. This time, I was the one to laugh and tease my brother. 

As Zain glared at me, he switched with Louis. Charlotte and he immediately started laughing and talking. I was happy while I watched my older brother. Mom would love him like this, always hap-Once again, my train of thought was interrupted.

"Whatcha looking at? You look so happy." Louis asked.

"Oh, I was looking at my brother, It's been a while since he was genuinely happy." I smiled at Louis.

"Do I hear a thank you?" He squinted his eyes at me. It looked funny.

"Sorry, I forgot. Thank you!" I smiled and I meant it.

"Just Kidding. Sorry if I was being rude.."

"No, but really. Thank You." I was serious this time. Right after that, it got a little awkward- let me rephrase that- it got quite a bit awkward. So, I reached my for my phone in the bag and started to try some of the tricks Louis taught me.

While I attempted to figure it out, I could feel eyes staring right at me. Trust me, I can like REALLY feel it when someone is looking at me. So, out of habit, I glanced at the stranger on my left, thinking it was him. But weirdly, it wasn't. The pair of eyes still hasn't left. Then, I looked to my right, also where Louis sat.

"Oh sorry, I was um just looking... nevermind." He looked really uncomfortable when I 'caught' him staring at me. I mean who wouldn't feel that stare? 

"It's okay? So anyway, tell me how you know Ari's family and stuff." I've been wanting to ask that question all day, but it's not a normal thing to slip into a conversation. Or I was too scared to ask it because it seemed rude. 

"Well, Ari's brother was a pretty good friend of mine, and we used to hang out after football [A/N: by football I mean like soccer] practice since Grade 8. And I guess my parents just met his, and ever since- we became family friends. It's sad that Charlotte and Arielle don't get along... to be honest, I think Arielle is kind of scary," he said as he smirked at my quiet giggles. I didn't want to be too loud and end up attracting attention like him. I think Louis was attracting enough attention for the both of us!

 "Well, what about you? I know your Ari's cousin, but like... why the sudden move?" he asked. My face involuntarily turned into a frown as he asked that question. 

"I'm sorry- you don't have to answer that. I was just wondering...?". It was cute how he got so flustered over that little question. Wait what? Did I just say cute?! This is so not like me. I know that I catch feelings quickly, but this attention was so new to me. I didn't find Louis attractive, really. Maybe I'm just overthinking things...

"No, no, you're okay. I was just not expecting that question right now. I think I almost pushed the whole thing out of my mind, really. Honestly, none of us ever thought we'd be here, but thanks to my dad's stupidity, we're here. Not that I hate it here, I actually kinda like it here. I just hate the reason why we had to leave. Sorry- I'm rambling. I do that a lot". I don't know why I was talking so much. But the more I thought I about it, this was the first time someone's actually asked me how I felt about the move, about my dad, about everything that's happened. And frankly, I was like pandora's box waiting to be opened.

"Don't apologize for rambling, I do that a lot too. I love to talk a lot, ask Harry, my best friend-"

"Who's Harry?" I asked, confused. I swore that I had everyone's names I had met memorized, but this one was new.

"Oh, right. He's not here right now, he's gonna be joining us later! His parents also kinda split up right now... so he's dealing with all that shit".

"Ooh I see. Interesting. Anyways, if you're up for it, I could- and kind of need- someone to listen to me rant about all of my shit". I hoped he was up for it.

"Of course I'm ready for it. Spill the tea sis!" he said laughing. I could tell Louis would be a good friend. I smiled to myself. It's been a while since I've smiled like this, too.

AND SCENE! Haha, I'm having so much fun writing this again. It's been a good 7 years, guys! I forgot how much I loved writing... even if it's a meh story, I'm excited. We'll see what happens :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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