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I was originally gonna do the same thing I did last year, but me and R4yl33 did some collabs last month and I decided to save 'em for this year's birthday special instead. Hehehe!



Oneshot #1: Coffee and Discussions [Two Agents and A Supernatural Family]

TW: Mentions of mental health issues and panic attacks

"Hurry up!!! Get ya [a-word] over here!!!" Wendy shouted as she waved over to Luna outside the coffee shop.

"Stop running! I can't run right now because my ankle is hurt! And stop screaming!" Luna replied, before standing beside Wendy as they both entered the coffee shop.

The shop was quiet, only a few customers were present, it was small after all. Which was perfect for the both of them.

They both sat in one of the booths, looking at the menu to order food and, of course, coffee.

"So, like, I know we don't usually talk about family, but...I'm kinda concerned for prababushka, I'mma be honest."

Luna nodded. "I'm concerned for her too. She had an anxiety attack in front of me and papa two days ago."

"So that's why she seems off lately..." Wendy noted in realization.

"Yeah...her own mother sold her, her parents were abusive, and she was a survivor of trafficking. It's not surprising that it's taken its mental toll on her. I talked with Isla and she said she knew about it before any one of us did. Nobody else seems to know besides us. She's planning on dedicating a ballad to prababushka to give her that push she needs to come clean about how she's feeling inside."

"Hope that one goes well." Wendy hoped.

Luna nodded.

A waiter soon came to their booth, asking for their orders.

Wendy ordered a coffee and egg sandwich while Luna only ordered coffee.

They stayed in the shop for a while, maybe 1 hour, 2 hours, 3? Who knows? But one thing is for certain.

Something will happen.

And it won't be pretty.

After all, the calmest seas bring the biggest of storms.


Oneshot #2: The (kinda) Depressed criminal and the Non-binary rockstar [The Romanov(a) Chronicles]

Eli sighed as she buried her face in her pillow and cried.

For as long as she's remembered, she's struggled with depression, with it particularly being bad in her childhood years.

I mean, for god's sake, she literally tried to commit suicide when she was 6!

She's happy that her father managed to stop her, but at the same time, she wishes she could just die.

It's easier to manage most of the time, but in days like these, she just wants to die.

As much as she loves her siblings, it's hard for her to open up to them, especially about this, for some reason.

Maybe it's because she's the eldest, and she's always felt the need to get herself together for her siblings' sake, even before papa and mama Rsch's deaths.

But it's getting so overwhelming to deal with.

Maybe she should just run away and never come back.

Maybe she should just die.


"You okay, babe?" Sunday's voice breaks the woman out of her thoughts.

Eli lets out a tearful smile as she pulls Sunday in bed with her and wraps her arms around her.

Sunday smiled and ran her hands through her girlfriend's hair. "Talk later, hug now?"

"Yes." Eli replied, voice soft but still heard.


They both stay on the bed, silent.

There were a few occasional sobs that escaped the mouth of Eli, in which Sunday would simply continue to run her hand through her girlfriend's hair, hugging her.

It was heartbreaking to see for Sunday, her girlfriend was crying, and nothing much could be done by her.

She wanted Eli to tell her what was bothering her, but she knew not to force her to.

"You good, baby?" She eventually asked.

"A bit." Eli replied. "Everything has just been quite...overwhelming today. My depression is easier to manage most of the time, but right now, it's...it's hard."

Eli sniffled. "I just...feel like I cannot do anything, and I feel like a burden. I feel like I should die, though I know I cannot given the vow with Sarv."

Sunday nodded in understanding. "I see."

"I tried to hang myself a while ago. I made a noose, and hung it on the ceiling fan. Selever called for me for lunch from downstairs, and I immediately cut off the rope and threw it out. And what I'm still in disbelief about is the fact that Selever calling for me scared me more than the fact that I was about to do...that to myself. I feel so guilty, even if I know that it is not my fault. Even if I know that what my brain is saying is not true, I still feel like it is true. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I do."

"I don't fully understand what it's like to be struggling so much everyday, but I'm here for you, babe." Sunday said. "I promise you that you're worth it and that you're not a burden. You're brain's just being an a-hole right now. It's good that you cut the rope. I'm proud of you for that. I love you and I'm here for ya, okay? Never forget that."

Eli smiled. "I love you too, my love."


"Do you wanna watch a movie together?" Sunday asked, still hugging Eli.

"Why not?" Eli replied back.

"Okay, cause I found this old fantasy movie that I thought you'd might like, so why don't we go watch it?" Sunday said, as she started to stand up and picked up Eli, in which Eli let out a slight yelp from being suddenly carried.

Sunday laughed and proceeded to carry Eli away, both having a movie to watch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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