Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Alex munched on the white cheese popcorn as her eyes stayed glued to the man on screen. He made a killer jump of at least twenty feet off a roof and crashed into a laboratory. She took the time to check out the dashing Pierce Brosnan in fitted black pants and shirt, getting goose bumps of pleasure.

Alex, Jenna and Cass were having a Bond movie marathon at Jenna's place this weekend. And despite Cass's vehement argument about Daniel Craig being the hottest James bond ever, young Pierce Brosnan always did it for her.

This all out movie weekend was a much needed respite for Alex to get away from her busy schedule. After juggling three clients, two new deals, and one court notice for the past two weeks Alex was almost close to crash landing on her office desk to save herself the drive from work. Then again, this was almost considered the norm in an investment banker's life. She had lied to herself about the workload time and again because she refused to consider the alternative; that a certain azure eyed lawyer was creating havoc on her everyday routine with his stimulating questions.


You are totally in for it now Rowan.

"So Gabe asked me to move in with him today." Jenna spoke up in the middle of munching popcorn.

Cass raised an eyebrow in query and Alex stopped licking her fingertips, grateful for the intrusion in her thoughts."Wow that is huge, and I don't mean his 'equipment' if you catch my drift," Alex winked salaciously.

It took a second for Jenna to comprehend the innuendo as it normally did and then she rolled her eyes.

"Alex this serious."

"Of course it is! The equipment is one of the most important things for sex; don't you remember our talk Jenna? Of course you don't. Ah forget it, now that we are on the subject what's the size again?"

"Alex I have given you and Cass as much details about my sex life as possible, multiple times. I am sorry that you are not getting any and choose to live through me but can we please focus on the issue here?" Jenna patted Alex's arm with sympathy.

Alex shrugged her off with mock outrage and pointed an accusing oil coated finger towards Jenna, "I knew it! I knew there would be a time when you bragged about this. Too much sex is corrupting you Jenna. Cass, we must deal with this offense to our sex lives."

"Who says I am not getting any? As far as I can see, you are the one who needs to get laid 'cause you are really high strung nowadays," Cass shrugged.

Alex gasped theatrically and clutched her chest in pain.

Cass rolled her eyes at the typically Alex behavior and turned towards Jenna, "So what did you say to him?"

"I told him no," Jenna winced "I just said that I needed my own space, and we have only been dating for seven months so I don't see the hurry in moving things too fast."

"And how did he take it?"

" a typical Gabe fashion. He just shrugged and said he understands but I could tell that I hurt him. He feels a bit...closed off now, and I don't know what to do."

Alex noticing how she was no longer getting any attention for the theatrics piped in, "So you just declined living in that beach paradise of a villa and doing Gabe's hot body whenever you want because you want 'space'?"

Jenna frowned, "I don't want space from Gabe. I love him. I I wrong to want some time for myself?"

"Wasn't the fact that you two were at a standstill in your relationship turning you into an alcoholic just a week ago?" Alex asked in suspicion.

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